Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Hallway Traffic Simulation By: Paul Woods
Create an accurate simulation of TJHSST hallways and traffic Visualize the simulation to increase accessibility and reach Analyze results of the simulation and modify conditions to ease congestion and improve movement PURPOSE
Continuum Crowds by Adrian Trueille, Seth Cooper, Zoran Popovic—University of Washington, Electronic Arts Calculated movement and collision at the same time Saved significant processing time Finding Multi-Constrained Feasible Paths By Using Depth-First Search by Zhenjiang L and J.J. Garcia- Luna-Aceves Provides a model algorithm for finding paths from one place to another BACKROUND RESEARCH
Continuum Performance OpenGL: Platform Independence Techniques by Tom True, Brad Grantham, Bob Kuehne, and Dave Shreiner. Errors and performance Interactive Graphics Using OpenGL and the Graphix Windowing Toolkit by Rance D. Necaise, Computer Science Department Washington and Lee University – Graphix Windowing Toolkit BACKROUND RESEARCH
Traffic Dynamics in Scholastic Environments by Alex Kotkova SIMILAR PAST RESEARCH
Accurate data involving hallway movement A working model allowing possible changes to be simulated EXPECTED RESULTS
Made using C programming language Simulates small model of school and shrunken student body Organizes data in arrays and hashes Effectively returns necessary and expected output Will be expanded later to include entire school and student body CURRENT MODELS
Organizational structures such as hashes to hold hall, room and student data An improved moving search to determine student paths of movement TOOLS IN CURRENT MODEL
Example Output From The Program: StudentNameStart10:0810:11Finish Student0Area3Area5Area2Area2 Student1Area1Area4Area5Area3 Student2Area1Area4Area5Area3 Student3Area2Area5Area4Area0 Student4Area1Area4Area5Area2 Student5Area3Area5Area2Area2...
Students: jon sally hill karel jim greg megan joe sarah ROOMS: RoomNumber:RoomNameHall0Hall1Hall2Hall3Hall r r r HALLS: HallNumber:Room0Room1Room2Room3Room4Room5Room SCHEDULES: StudentNumNameEvent0Event1Event2Event jon sally hill karel jim greg megan joe sarah 0333 HallNumhall0hall1hall2hall3 Hall0:0000 Hall1:2400 Hall2:1300 Hall3:2000 Hall4:1000 Time-Events Array EventTime
10:0810:11 460%10% 540%60% Hall Traffic as a Percentage of Students Using Hallway RESULTS TABLE Time
POSSIBILITIES AS TO WHY THIS OCCURED IN THIS EXPERIMENT More students going from rooms 0-1 to 2-3 than from 2-3 to 0-1 Class sizes of classes in rooms 2-3 bigger than in rooms 1-0 Students entering rooms 0-1 were closer and thus able to get to their classes more quickly Students do not take into account traffic when determining movement
POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS Switch classes in rooms 1 and 2 to see how that affects traffic. Program students avoid congested areas
FUTURE GOALS Finalize second phase algorithm Expand original model to include entire school and student body Take into account congestion when determining student movement Add visualization using OpenGL