Surviving the Budget Cuts Community College Lab Schools Solano Community College Children’s Program
2005 CCDAA Survey Summary 96 College Lab Schools: 69 Responded Programming 59% reported their college’s view was proud of the program and willing to support in some part. Most of the centers, 73% were fully enrolled. 91% provided services to the students, while providing limited serves to faculty, staff, and community. 26% reported some of their classrooms are not being utilized
2005 CCDAA Survey cont. Staffing Half of the directors are considered management and certificated by their college. 71% considered their teaching staff as classified employees 83% provide planning and preparation time for teaching staff. Lake Tahoe
CCDAA 2005 Survey Summary Cont. Budget Over50% receive state funding and utilize Federal Child Care Food Program 92% of the centers’ budgets are dedicated to staffing and benefits. Most colleges contribute in varying degrees (maintenance, utilities, rent, insurance, and technology costs associated with running the centers)
2005 Survey Summary 84% describe their campus child care as a child development lab. 91% provide services to students 49% are 12 month programs In % had classrooms that were not being utilized for a variety of reasons (budget cuts, staffing cuts, district closed classrooms, etc.)
CCDAA 2005 Survey Summary Cont College Students or other groups that utilize the centers for educational purposes Range ECE/Child Development PITC Observers Other Colleges Other Disciplines Long Beach
Colloquium Questionnaire Center Name and Director Information General Demographic Information Number of families served Ages of children Percentage of families who are: Community members Students Faculty/Staff Average number of Practicum students per semester How many months of operation Days and times of operation NAEYC Accreditation: Latest self study year and accredited since Saddleback
Colloquium Questionnaire cont. Family Participation at Your Center Indicate ways families can participate in your program Indicate whether family participation is required or voluntary If required how many? Use of your facility Number of ECE/CD Practicum Courses using your facility Average number of hours ECE/CD Practicum experiences Average number of Practicum students using your facility Does your curriculum use alternative sites for practicum If yes explain Number of students who use your facility (observation, research)
Colloquium Questionnaire cont. List names of course that require experience in your facility List disciplines of students who use your facility Tracking student hours Funding Sources List your major funding sources and percentages of each How is the Director/Coordinator funded LA Southwest West Hills Lemoore Southwestern
What Else Do We Need to Know to Show the Relevance of Our Programs Discussion: What questions need to be on a survey to support our lab schools? LA City Child Development Victor Valley