What is APA? Like MLA, it is a style format used in colleges and different fields of study in the workplace. It is a way to structure your paper, as well as cite your sources for research-based writing. Used for research papers that include facts, statistics and up-to-date information Subjects: Science, Current Events (Social Sciences), Psychology You may even see it in Freshman Comp. classes at both the University and Community College levels.
Manuscript Format Formatting your paper in APA style means paying attention to mechanical details such as type face, line spacing, margins, and headers. Use a serif typeface such as Times New Roman for text of your manuscript. Double Space the entire manuscript. Double Space between lines of body text and titles, headings, and block quotations. Double Space the Reference List and figure captions. Indent the first line of every paragraph ½ inch.
Manuscript Format, Cont… Align the text to the left-hand margin, leaving a ragged right margin.
Citing References in Text Always cite the work of those you research!! Do not give a quote, paraphrase, or summary without attaching a citation. When in doubt, CITE. In addition to citing within the text, attach a list of references. In MLA, it’s called a Work Cited Page, in APA—A Reference List
The Reference List The purpose of a Reference List is to help readers find the sources you used. All citations should be listed in the Reference List, with the exception of personal communications, or classical works. Put references in order by the author’s last name, or the first author’s last name, if there’s more than one author. Use the hanging indent paragraph style. Double space the entire reference list.
References Contain the Following Components… 1. Full Name or Names of author(s) 2. Publication or Copyright date 3. Title of the work-only capitalize the 1 st letter 4. Publication data Raque, S., Johnson, H. & Sandor, A. (2010). How to control seniors during class. Educational Leadership, 14, Names 2. Publication Date 4. Publication Data: Title, Volume, Page # 3. Article Title