Egypt : The Journey towards Freedom. What I would have normally spoke about ?


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Presentation transcript:

Egypt : The Journey towards Freedom

What I would have normally spoke about ?

But what I have to say today is totally different

Why all the media attention ? Border with Israel Suez Canal Largest Arab nation and most influential

 Political  Lack of democracy (president, government, political parties & parliament not representing the people)  Political suppression, torture  Corruption on all levels  Economic  Poverty Increase & widened gap between the rich & the poor  Unemployment rate increase  Inflation  Other  Educational deterioration The Motives

 Immediate resignation of president Mubarak and his government (the first and most important)  Formation of a temporary people government that does not involve the National Democratic Party; followed by transparent elections  Termination of the emergency law & Immediate release of arrested people & demonstrators  To question & hold accountable the responsible  Freedom of expression and rights The Demands

 This movement is by the Egyptian youth… ordinary people. No party and no organization or a leader has the credit in it…  Muslim brotherhood did not start and are not the leaders for this movement contrary to the info being spread. Also Al-Kaeda are not involved in any people movement in Egypt  There is an extreme solidarity between Muslims and Christians in the streets… this is an EGYPTIAN movement no matter what your religion is  Our question now is not who comes next as a president…. Our mission now is to get rid of the corrupted government and president  Demonstrations were non violent, in intent the official shout was ‘selmiya’ meaning peaceful. However the vandalism is done by the police forces, then accused the demonstrations of it in order to legitimate the tightening of the control. Facts & Info

25 Jan – Cairo Tahrir Square in Cairo

25 Jan – Cairo People stayed there till night and are still there today

25 Jan - Cairo


Christians and Muslims

26 Jan – Cairo Police violence started

More Violence

26 Jan – Cairo Fires set by police forces

26 Jan – Cairo Famous Journalist arrested & many others

26 Jan - Cairo

27 Jan – Suez Tear Gas bombs

Put here a picture of one of your close friends or family member back in Egypt who was involved in the protests and other recent events and talk about them

This is how Mubarak used the $2 billion financial aid from the US - Against his own people $1.3 billion for military equipment and the rest for economic assistance How do you think the Egyptian people think about the US when Mubarak uses these tear gas canisters on them ?

27 Jan Evening... Till NOW E GYPT I SOLATED No internet – No phones

28 Jan Attack while praying Prayer has nothing to do with Extremism, a large percentage of the moderate Muslims in Egypt pray, even if they’re not religious at all

28 Jan Army in the streets

28 Jan Demonstrators welcoming the army

28 Jan Day of Rage : No media coverage was allowed

28 Jan Day of Rage

Criminals set free to terrorize people  Police withdrew from streets  Chaos & robbery incidents by criminals released by the ministry of interior

More Chaos & robbery incidents

Army doing nothing to protect the people or their belongings

Neighborhood watch groups protect Cairo streets

 Curfew from 3pm to 8am everyday …. not respected by the demonstrators.  Banks are closed, people are running out of cash  Many grocery stores are closed and those open have very limited supplies.  Thousands (and may be millions) of demonstrators are in the streets now and in every part of Egypt not just Cairo. The Current Status

The government’s reaction Mubarak dismissed the cabinet & assigned a deputy president  both actions not satisfactory to Egyptians Prime minster “Omar Sullaiman” is not accepted by Egyptians, and is an extension of the military ruling party. The rest of the “new” chosen government are basically the same old cabinet switching roles. Mubrak just can’t get it, we want HIM and ALL his government OUT

 To understand why Egyptians are demonstrating  Help others to understand it too --- share info and spread awareness  Solidarity with Egypt & its people in their strike for freedom  Lobbying:  At your governments level  At your media level  At human organizations What Do we need from you