Created by Alan Nhan, Matt Damiani, Saalik Lokhandwala and Felicia Reyes
Agriculture Products - rice, wheat, oilseed, cotton, jute, tea, sugarcane, lentils, onions, potatoes; dairy products, sheep, goats, poultry; fish Industrial Products - textiles, chemicals, food processing, steel, transportation equipment, cement, mining, petroleum, machinery, software, pharmaceuticals Quick Facts
Developing open-market economy Diverse economy based on Traditional village farming Modern agriculture Handicrafts Wide range of modern industries Major source of economic growth (2/3 of India’s output) – export of services Information technology services Software workers Overview of Economy
Indian Rupees Indian Cattle
Development of the Economy Historically (Old) ~2000 BC - Indus Valley Civilization – a lot of agricultural practices with domesticated animals 16 th Century – Europeans started to trade with India Late 1700s – Britain, France and Netherlands – began competing for trade with India View of the old Indus Valley Civilization
1947-Present – After independence from Britain, India wanted to economically protect Indian people Moved towards industrialism Wanted some government intervention After 1991 – India’s economy grew more Wanted to take away governmental intervention policies Development of the Economy Historically (New/Recent)
India becomes independent from Britain – wanted governmental intervention To protect people’s rights Make sure there would be no economic failure – government would keep them afloat Britain placed many taxes on Indians without them having a say Wanted to prevent that from happening Importance of Government
Liberalization, privatization and globalization New economic reform – aimed at making Indian economy the fastest growing economy and globally competitive Government – less restricting – allowing people to create jobs and businesses Opened up economy to foreign direct investment Provided facilities for foreign companies to invest in different fields of economic activity Indian companies are now allowed to enter foreign collaborations Free inter-country movement of labor Effect of Globalization
Temperature – overall is increasing/warming Changing forest vegetation Decreasing frequency in cyclones Increasing levels of storm surges All weather changes Effect rural population – directly effects food and energy security of the country Effect of Weather Changes
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