National Institute of Science & Technology Technical Seminar Presentation-2004 Presented By: Subhasis Choudhury [EE ] ZigBee Technology By Subhasis Choudhury Roll No: EE Under the guidance of Mr. Pradeep Ku. Jena
National Institute of Science & Technology Technical Seminar Presentation-2004 Presented By: Subhasis Choudhury [EE ] [2] Why is ZigBee needed? No wireless network standard that meets the unique needs of sensors and control devices. wireless systems don’t require high data rates but do require low cost and very low current drain. proprietary systems are creating significant interoperability problems with each other and with newer technologies.
National Institute of Science & Technology Technical Seminar Presentation-2004 Presented By: Subhasis Choudhury [EE ] [3] Features of ZigBee Low power consumption High density of nodes per network Simple protocol, global implementation Network Flexibility License free operation in 2.4 GHz band Small size-less than 9 mm*9 mm Hundreds of devices per Network
National Institute of Science & Technology Technical Seminar Presentation-2004 Presented By: Subhasis Choudhury [EE ] [4] ZigBee-Typical Traffic Types Addressed Periodic data -Application defined rate (e.g., sensors) Intermittent data- Application/external stimulus defined rate (e.g. light switch) Repetitive low latency data- Allocation of time slots (e.g. mouse)
National Institute of Science & Technology Technical Seminar Presentation-2004 Presented By: Subhasis Choudhury [EE ] [5] ZigBee Stack
National Institute of Science & Technology Technical Seminar Presentation-2004 Presented By: Subhasis Choudhury [EE ] [6] Physical (PHY) Layer Description Three frequency bands are specified, an implementation need only operate on one of the three. 868 MHz – for European applications MHz – for North American applications GHz – for world wide applications 868 MHz MHz GHz Data Rate20 kbps40 kbps250kbps #Channels11016 TX Power-3dBm-3 dB-m -3dBm Rx Sensitivity-92dBm-92 dB-m-85dBm Link Budget89dB89 dB82dB
National Institute of Science & Technology Technical Seminar Presentation-2004 Presented By: Subhasis Choudhury [EE ] [7] Medium Access Control (MAC) Layer Description Two types of devices used :- * Full function device (FFD) * Reduced function device (RFD) *Uses PAN Coordinator
National Institute of Science & Technology Technical Seminar Presentation-2004 Presented By: Subhasis Choudhury [EE ] [8] Network Layer Description Features: Starting a network Joining and leaving a network Configuring a new device Addressing Synchronization within a network Security Routing
National Institute of Science & Technology Technical Seminar Presentation-2004 Presented By: Subhasis Choudhury [EE ] [9] Application Layer Consists of :- APS Sub-Layer ZDO APL Sub-Layer Provides(1) Discovery (2) Binding
National Institute of Science & Technology Technical Seminar Presentation-2004 Presented By: Subhasis Choudhury [EE ] [10] SECURITY ZigBee uses MAC layer security Advanced Encryption Standard
National Institute of Science & Technology Technical Seminar Presentation-2004 Presented By: Subhasis Choudhury [EE ] [11] Comparison: WiSE™ vs. Zigbee primary considerations *Cost of Solution *Range *Performance *Reliability *Scalability *Data Rate *Timing *Power
National Institute of Science & Technology Technical Seminar Presentation-2004 Presented By: Subhasis Choudhury [EE ] [12] CONCLUSION Will play a vital role in the mass adoption of cost effective, low power, mesh networking technology for monitoring and control applications, based on an open global standard. More than 120 companies have joined within 2 months. Near Future more flexibility and cost savings for consumers and greater control over household appliances. Used for campus-wide electrical and security systems from a single computer. Above all enable sensor networks to blanket a city to check for bio-terror hazards such as biological bombs. ->ZigBee is ready, but are we ready for this wireless revolution?
National Institute of Science & Technology Technical Seminar Presentation-2004 Presented By: Subhasis Choudhury [EE ] [13]