Introduction of our academy and our institute Hong LingXia The research institute of forest resource information techniques, Chinese Academy of Forestry (CAF)
Dr. Tang, ShouZheng developed Whole stand model-- Integrated Stand Growth Model (ISGM) (Tang, 1994) Distinguished Expert of Forest Management and Forest Statistics Professor of the Chinese Academy of Forestry Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Education: 1985, Ph.D, Probability and Statistics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China 1981, M.S., Probability and Statistics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China 1963, B.S., Forest Science, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China Area of Interests: Forest Biometrics; Forest Growth and Yield Modeling; Forest Resources Monitoring; Forest Inventory; Forest Management
Dr. Lu Yuanchang Diameter-class model of tropical forests in Xishuangbanna (matrix model) (Lu, 2004,) Education: 1996 – 1999 Ph.D. Forestry - Institute of Silviculture, G ö ttingen University, Germany 1993 – 1994 Certification of Master Study - Forestry Faculty, G ö ttingen University, Germany 1986 – 1989 Master Degree of Forestry - Southwest Forestry College, Kunming, China 1985 – 1986 Certification in Special training program Operation Research and Quantitative Method of Forest - Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China 1978 – 1982 Bachelor Degree of Forestry - Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China
Dr. Lei XiangDong Individual model (Lei, 2006) ( Larix, Pinus tabulaeformis ) Associate Professor Institute of Forest Resource Information Techniques, Chinese Academy of Forestry Beijng, Telephone: Fax fields of interest: Forest management (Division, inventory, planning and monitoring) Tree growth modeling and visualization Stand structural diversity Community forestry