Cold Chain Status -an update- Jaswinder Singh State Cold Chain Officer DHS Office, Punjab
Cold chain (ILR/DF) status in Punjab Recently 165 units( Haier brand) received from Govt Of India on Orientation of district level vaccine store incharge and refrigerator mechanics proposed in Sept 2010 TypeQtyRemarks Functional WIF1 1 more to be installed Functional WIC5 Replacement for 3 WIC received & to be installed Functional ILR1334 Functional DF1320
Govt Of India supply of HAIER brand ILR/DF Equipment received by district Instructions – Installation of equipment (By ref mechanic) – Forward the serial number of every ILR/DF received. – Only then will it be possible to ensure 3 year warranty – Forward Spare part requirement for Haier Equipment supplied earlier (beyond guarantee period)
Condemnation of cold chain ILR/DF Guidelines forwarded to all districts through various channel. So far condemnation done by Ludhiana, Hoshiarpur and Moga only Repeated requests made to districts. Update status being reviewed in CS conference/ state task force.
Refrigerator mechanic Ensure Ref Mechanic is involved in- Service, repair & maintenance of all equipment at vaccine storage points Regular tours (visit) to all PHC and other facilities where vaccine storage equipment is placed (ILR/DF) Observation and tour report to be submitted to DIO and DIO to further countersign and forward to State cold chain officer (Computer assistant to DIO to facilitate) Monthly observation & tour report will be the base for Ref Mechanic TA/DA claim from cold chain funds.
Vaccine storage and distribution points Flow chart of vaccine storage and distribution point in the district (Urban & Block PHC wise) - DIO to assign the district Vaccine store in charge to prepare the same Vaccine storage point info (letter no dt 4 Aug 2010) received from district – Info to review where functional equipment is placed at various levels (PHC,Mini PHC, below mini PHC) State shortly introducing vaccine distribution register for every point from where vaccine is distributed on immunization day
Cold chain Requirement To order/ indent cold chain equipment state needs to justify the demand to GoI. Demand should be realistic and supported with complete justification. Simply writing quantity does not help us in strongly putting our demand to GoI.
Thank you
Cold chain fund utilization District performance Adequate Utilization – Amritsar (