Select SELECT column1, column2,...columnN FROM table_name WHERE condition; SELECT column1, column2,...columnN FROM table_name WHERE condition;
WHERE Clause SELECT phone FROM customer WHERE customer_id = 300; = Is equal to <>, != Is not equal to < Less than > Greater than <= Is less than or equal to >= Is greater than or equal to SELECT phone FROM customer WHERE customer_id = 300; = Is equal to <>, != Is not equal to < Less than > Greater than <= Is less than or equal to >= Is greater than or equal to
Logical Operators AND OR NOT SELECT first_name, last_name, salary FROM sales_person WHERE salary >= AND salary <= 40000; AND OR NOT SELECT first_name, last_name, salary FROM sales_person WHERE salary >= AND salary <= 40000;
Nesting Logical Operators 1. NOT 2. AND 3. OR SELECT first_name, last_name, state, salary FROM sales_person WHERE salary >= AND salary <= OR NOT (state = 'VA‘) 1. NOT 2. AND 3. OR SELECT first_name, last_name, state, salary FROM sales_person WHERE salary >= AND salary <= OR NOT (state = 'VA‘)
SELECT product_name FROM product WHERE product_name LIKE 'C%'; SELECT product_name FROM product WHERE product_name LIKE '_e%'; SELECT product_name FROM product WHERE product_name LIKE 'C%'; SELECT product_name FROM product WHERE product_name LIKE '_e%'; LIKE
BETWEEN...AND SELECT first_name, last_name, salary FROM sales_person WHERE salary BETWEEN AND 40000; SELECT first_name, last_name, salary FROM sales_person WHERE salary BETWEEN AND 40000;
IN SELECT first_name, last_name FROM sales_person WHERE state IN ('VA', 'MD'); SELECT first_name, last_name FROM sales_person WHERE state IN ('VA', 'MD');
IS NULL SELECT first_name, last_name FROM sales_person WHERE commission IS NULL; SELECT first_name, last_name FROM sales_person WHERE commission IS NULL;
Order by SELECT salary, first_name FROM sales_person ORDER BY salary, first_name; SELECT salary, first_name FROM sales_person ORDER BY 1, 2 DESC; SELECT salary, first_name FROM sales_person ORDER BY salary, first_name; SELECT salary, first_name FROM sales_person ORDER BY 1, 2 DESC;
Expressions in a SELECT Statement || Concatenate or append - Subtract + Add / Divide * Multiply ( ) Parentheses are used to group expressions. || Concatenate or append - Subtract + Add / Divide * Multiply ( ) Parentheses are used to group expressions.
|| SELECT first_name || ' ' || last_name FROM sales_person; SELECT first_name || ' ' || last_name fulln FROM sales_person; SELECT first_name || ' ' || last_name FROM sales_person; SELECT first_name || ' ' || last_name fulln FROM sales_person;
Expressions in the WHERE Clause SELECT product_name, unit_price, unit_price*1.1 FROM product WHERE unit_price *1.1>45; SELECT product_name, unit_price, unit_price*1.1 AS new_salary FROM product WHERE new_salary > 45; SELECT product_name, unit_price, unit_price*1.1 FROM product WHERE unit_price *1.1>45; SELECT product_name, unit_price, unit_price*1.1 AS new_salary FROM product WHERE new_salary > 45;
Expressions in the ORDER BY Clause SELECT product_name, unit_price, unit_price*1.1 FROM product WHERE unit_price*1.1 > 45 ORDER BY unit_price * 1.1; SELECT product_name, unit_price, unit_price*1.1 new_price FROM product WHERE unit_price*1.1 > 45 ORDER BY new_price DESC; SELECT product_name, unit_price, unit_price*1.1 FROM product WHERE unit_price*1.1 > 45 ORDER BY unit_price * 1.1; SELECT product_name, unit_price, unit_price*1.1 new_price FROM product WHERE unit_price*1.1 > 45 ORDER BY new_price DESC;
Single Row Functions Dual is a dummy table Oracle provides to help us perform ad-hoc queries or mathematical calculations. Select 224*12 from dual Dual is a dummy table Oracle provides to help us perform ad-hoc queries or mathematical calculations. Select 224*12 from dual
Single Row Functions There are four types of single row functions. –Numeric Functions –Character Functions –Date Functions –Conversion Functions: NVL, TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, TO_DATE. There are four types of single row functions. –Numeric Functions –Character Functions –Date Functions –Conversion Functions: NVL, TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, TO_DATE.
Numeric Functions ABS(n) - Absolute value of n CEIL(n) - Integer value that is Greater than or Equal to n FLOOR(n) - Integer value that is Less than or Equal to n ROUND(n, m) - Rounded off value of nup to mdecimal places TRUNC(n, m) - Truncated value of nup to mdecimal places ABS(n) - Absolute value of n CEIL(n) - Integer value that is Greater than or Equal to n FLOOR(n) - Integer value that is Less than or Equal to n ROUND(n, m) - Rounded off value of nup to mdecimal places TRUNC(n, m) - Truncated value of nup to mdecimal places
Character Functions LOWER (text) Returns text with all letters in lowercase UPPER (text) Returns text with all letters in uppercase INITCAP (text) Returns text with all letters in mixed case LTRIM (text,trim_text) Returns text after removing all occurrences of trim_text from the left of text RTRIM (text,trim_text)Returns text after removing all occurrences of trim_text from the right of text SUBSTR (text, m, n) Returns n characters from text starting from the mth position LENGTH (text) Returns the number ofcharacters in text LPAD (text, n,pad_text) Returns text left-padded with pad_text for a length of n characters RPAD (text, n,pad_text) Returns text right-padded with pad_text for a length of n characters LOWER (text) Returns text with all letters in lowercase UPPER (text) Returns text with all letters in uppercase INITCAP (text) Returns text with all letters in mixed case LTRIM (text,trim_text) Returns text after removing all occurrences of trim_text from the left of text RTRIM (text,trim_text)Returns text after removing all occurrences of trim_text from the right of text SUBSTR (text, m, n) Returns n characters from text starting from the mth position LENGTH (text) Returns the number ofcharacters in text LPAD (text, n,pad_text) Returns text left-padded with pad_text for a length of n characters RPAD (text, n,pad_text) Returns text right-padded with pad_text for a length of n characters
Date Functions ADD_MONTHS (d, n) - Returns the date after adding the number, n to the date d MONTHS_BETWEEN(d1,d2) - Returns the number after adding the dates, d1 and d2 ROUND(d, format) - Returns the date rounded off to the nearest century, year,month, date, hour, minute, or second as specifed by theformat. TRUNC(d, format) - Returns the date lesser than or equal to the nearest century,year, month, date, hour, minute, or second as speci.ed by the format. NEXT_DAY(d,week_day) - Returns the nearest date on or after d, that is the same as the week_day specifed. week_day must be a valid format of day of the week. LAST_DAY(d) - Returns the date of the last day in the month with respect to d. Used to determine the number of days remaining in a month. SYSDATE - Returns the current date and time. ADD_MONTHS (d, n) - Returns the date after adding the number, n to the date d MONTHS_BETWEEN(d1,d2) - Returns the number after adding the dates, d1 and d2 ROUND(d, format) - Returns the date rounded off to the nearest century, year,month, date, hour, minute, or second as specifed by theformat. TRUNC(d, format) - Returns the date lesser than or equal to the nearest century,year, month, date, hour, minute, or second as speci.ed by the format. NEXT_DAY(d,week_day) - Returns the nearest date on or after d, that is the same as the week_day specifed. week_day must be a valid format of day of the week. LAST_DAY(d) - Returns the date of the last day in the month with respect to d. Used to determine the number of days remaining in a month. SYSDATE - Returns the current date and time.
Examples ADD_MONTHS('12-JUN-99', 2) 12-AUG-99 MONTHS_BETWEEN('12-AUG-99','12-JUN-99') 2 NEXT_DAY('01-JAN-00','MONDAY') 03-JAN-00 LAST_DAY('01-JAN-00') 31-JAN-00. SELECT SYSDATE FROM dual SELECT ROUND(SYSDATE, 'YEAR') FROM dual; ADD_MONTHS('12-JUN-99', 2) 12-AUG-99 MONTHS_BETWEEN('12-AUG-99','12-JUN-99') 2 NEXT_DAY('01-JAN-00','MONDAY') 03-JAN-00 LAST_DAY('01-JAN-00') 31-JAN-00. SELECT SYSDATE FROM dual SELECT ROUND(SYSDATE, 'YEAR') FROM dual;
Conversion Functions SELECT TO_CHAR(22) FROM DUAL; SELECT TO_DATE('11-JAN-02') FROM DUAL; NVL(val1,val2) – if val1=null replace it with val2 DECODE(val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, default val) SELECT grade, DECODE(grade, 1, 'A', 2, 'B', 3, 'C', 4, 'D', 'E') FROM salary_grade; SELECT TO_CHAR(22) FROM DUAL; SELECT TO_DATE('11-JAN-02') FROM DUAL; NVL(val1,val2) – if val1=null replace it with val2 DECODE(val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, default val) SELECT grade, DECODE(grade, 1, 'A', 2, 'B', 3, 'C', 4, 'D', 'E') FROM salary_grade;
SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'Month dd, yyyy') FROM dual; SELECT TO_DATE('01/01/2000', 'mm/dd/yyyy') FROM dual; SELECT salary, commission, salary+NVL(commission, 0) income FROM sales_person; SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'Month dd, yyyy') FROM dual; SELECT TO_DATE('01/01/2000', 'mm/dd/yyyy') FROM dual; SELECT salary, commission, salary+NVL(commission, 0) income FROM sales_person;
Using GROUP BY and HAVING SELECT state, MAX(salary) FROM sales_person GROUP BY state; SELECT state, gender, MAX (salary) FROM sales_person GROUP BY gender, state; SELECT state, MAX(salary) FROM sales_person GROUP BY state; SELECT state, gender, MAX (salary) FROM sales_person GROUP BY gender, state;
SELECT state, gender, MAX (salary) FROM sales_person WHERE MAX (salary) > GROUP BY gender, state; SELECT state, gender, MAX (salary) FROM sales_person GROUP BY gender, state HAVING MAX (salary) > 40000; SELECT state, gender, MAX (salary) FROM sales_person WHERE MAX (salary) > GROUP BY gender, state; SELECT state, gender, MAX (salary) FROM sales_person GROUP BY gender, state HAVING MAX (salary) > 40000;