A POSSIBLE SITE CONFIGURATION Application Folder index.php includes (folder)header.phpfooter.phpstyle.cssmodel (folder)mysqli_connect.php
CONNECTING TO A DATABASE PHP offers three different ways to connect to and interact with a MySQL database: 1.Original MySQL extension – no longer developed, not recommended 2.MySQL Improved: MySQLi – designed specifically for MySQL so is not easily portable to other databases 3.PHP Data Objects: PDO – software neutral, preferable of database flexibility is important. We will focus on MySQLi
COMMUNICATING TO MYSQL All PHP methods follow the same sequence: 1.Connect to the MySQL database using the hostname, username, password, and database name. 2.Prepare an SQL query. 3.Execute the query and save the result. 4.Extract the data from the result (usually with a loop.) 5.Close the connection to the database.
EXAMPLE <?php # Script mysqli_connect.php // This file contains the database access information. // It establishes a connection to MySQL and selects the database // Set the database access information as constants: DEFINE ('DB_USER', 'your user name'); DEFINE ('DB_PASSWORD', 'your sql password'); DEFINE ('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); DEFINE ('DB_NAME', 'your database'); // Make the connection: $dbc = mysqli_connect (DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME) OR die ('Could not connect to MySQL: '. mysqli_connect_error() ); echo 'Connection successful!';
CALLING THE CONNECTION FILE Use the require() function, which will halt the script if it is unsuccessful, to connect to the database: <?php require ('model/mysqli_connect.php'); ?>
IN-CLASS EXERCISE Write a simple script that will: 1.Try to connect to your database on webdev, 2.Print a successful connection message, or error message 3.Then close the connection
EXECUTING SIMPLE QUERIES $r = mysqli_query($dbc, $query); For simple queries like, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc. (which don't return records), the function will return either TRUE or FALSE. For complex queries like SELECT, which return results of the query as a table, $r will be a pointer to the result or FALSE if it did not work.
EXECUTING SIMPLE QUERIES Write the query and assign it to a variable: $q = "DELETE from SF_products where id = 3"; Execute the query: $r = mysqli_query($dbc, $q);
EXECUTING SIMPLE QUERIES WITH VARIABLES $category_id = 1; $code = 'strat'; $name = 'Fender Stratocaster'; $price = ; Write the query and assign it to a variable: $query = "INSERT INTO products (categoryID, productCode, productName, listPrice) VALUES ($category_id, '$code', '$name', $price)"; Execute the query: $r = mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
CLOSE THE EXISTING CONNECTION mysqli_close($dbc); optional because PHP will close the connection at the end of the script makes for good programming form anyway
SENDING FORM DATA TO THE DATABASE Use the trim() function to remove white space from beginning and end of strings. Example: register.php (download from calendar)register.php Check the database to make sure the data was entered correctly. Don't rely on the 'success' of the script.
EXECUTING 'SELECT' QUERIES A MySQL SELECT query typically generates one or more rows of information that has to be handled by the script. The same command is used to execute the query: $r = mysqli_query($dbc, $q); $r is the query result variable. In the case of a SELECT query, $r is a pointer to the results table. The mysqli_fetch_array() function returns one row of the result at a time, in array format: while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($r) ) { //Do something with $row }
EXECUTING 'SELECT' QUERIES Notes: The connection file has been moved out of the public_html directory: The organization for this example is:
EXECUTING 'SELECT' QUERIES Notes: The query must be executed first and then the results are processed. Remember that SQL variables are case-sensitive – you must reference them exactly as they are in the database. Instead of mysqli_fetch_array($r, MYSQLI_ASSOC), you could use mysqli_fetch_assoc($r) mysqli_free_result ($r); is an optional (but good practice) command to free the memory taken by $r.
EXAMPLE: header.html
SQL SECURITY 1.Protect the MySQL access information Keep it outside of the Web directory so that it is never viewable though a Web browser. 2.Don't reveal too much about the database Don't allow users to the PHP error messages or SQL error messages. They are useful to display during development for debugging, but remove them when the site goes live. 3.Be especially careful with user-submitted data Never trust it!
CHECKING USER- SUBMITTED DATA 1.Validate that a value has been submitted and that is the proper type (number, string, etc.) 2.Use regular expressions to make sure that submitted data matches what you expect. (Ch. 14) 3.Typecast variables to guarantee that they are numeric. (Ch. 13) 4.Use prepared statements (Ch. 13) which is a preferable alternative to mysqli_real_escape_string() discussed in this chapter.
COUNTING RETURNED RECORDS $num = mysqli_num_rows ($r); Takes the results variable as the argument Used to: Determine how many rows are in a given result. For example, to check if a userid already exists in a database. Paginate query results (Ch. 10) $num = mysqli_affected_rows ($dbc); Takes the database connection as the argument Can be used to determine the success of UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT queries.