Information Technology Exchange Meeting A New Decade in Support of Science Silence is Golden…. This is an atmosphere for learning - so please make EVERY.


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Presentation transcript:

Information Technology Exchange Meeting A New Decade in Support of Science Silence is Golden…. This is an atmosphere for learning - so please make EVERY effort to minimize distractions by observing the following rules: Silence cell phones/BlackBerries/SmartPhones. If you must take a call – step out of the room. Quietly return to your seat when finished. During the presentation, laptops or messaging devices should only be used in case of emergency. Thank you!

U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Information Technology Exchange Meeting May 24 – 28, 2010 A New Decade in Support of Science Open-source technologies for geospatial web services

Information Technology Exchange Meeting A New Decade in Support of Science Ingredients Mapserver PostgreSQL PostGIS GEOS PROJ

Information Technology Exchange Meeting A New Decade in Support of Science Loading data into PostgreSQL createdb sgmc createlang plpgsql sgmc psql –d sgmc –f postgis.sql psql –d sgmc –f spatial_ref_sys.sql shp2pgsql –s 4326 –I cogeolp cogeolp >cogeolp.sql psql –d sgmc –f cogeolp.sql >out 2>err

Information Technology Exchange Meeting A New Decade in Support of Science Mapserver configuration Each service governed by a file Map file contains sections like this: map web end layer name “layername” data “code to get data” end

Information Technology Exchange Meeting A New Decade in Support of Science OGC WMS and WFS Mapserver configuration directives WMS and WFS requests Query string: service=WMS&request=GetCapabilities&version=1.1.1 Request s: GetCapabilities GetMap GetFeatureInfo GetFeatures DescribeFeatureType

Information Technology Exchange Meeting A New Decade in Support of Science OpenLayers as WMS client Javascript library controls map display Code looks something like this: … var map = new OpenLayers.Map(‘map’); var wms = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(…); map.addLayer(wms);