1 In the Waiting Room of Democracy. The aim of this study is, from a Critical Postcolonial view, to conduct discourse analysis of International Documents and Declarations within the field of Education for Sustainable Development. Concepts like Democracy, Human Rights, Culture, Diversity and Identity will be scrutinized and questioned. The Ambiguity of Universalism and Particularism will also be examined. Ambiguities in Education for Sustainable Development : a PostColonial Perspective Tom Storfors, Mälardalen University, Sweden Graduate School of Education and Sustainable Development Bhabha Spivak Said Fanon Chikrabarty Foucault Derrida Lacan Orientalism Eurocentrism the SubAltern Stereotypes Mimicry the Uncanny Hybridity
2 In the Waiting Room of Democracy. ESD-documents Brundtland Report 1987 Agenda Decade of ESD 2002 World Summit Johannesburg 2002 Bonn Declaration 2009 Ambiguities in Education for Sustainable Development : a PostColonial Perspective Tom Storfors, Mälardalen University, Sweden Graduate School of Education and Sustainable Development Bhabha Spivak Said Fanon Chikrabarty Foucault Derrida Lacan Orientalism Eurocentrism the SubAltern Stereotypes Mimicry the Uncanny Hybridity Synthesis of ESD and EFA EFA-documents Jomtien framework for action 1990 Dakar framework for action 2009
3 In the Waiting Room of Democracy. A strategy of analysis: - reading/rereading - writing/rewriting - Documents as discourses A question of epistemology: how Conditions for constructions of specific, achived and alternative meanings of Democracy, Human Rights, Culture, Diversity and Identity between Universalism and Particularism Ambiguities in Education for Sustainable Development : a PostColonial Perspective Tom Storfors, Mälardalen University, Sweden Graduate School of Education and Sustainable Development Bhabha Spivak Said Fanon Chikrabarty Foucault Derrida Lacan Orientalism Eurocentrism the SubAltern Stereotypes Mimicry the Uncanny Hybridity Discourse analysis
4 Democratic education as an uncanny opportunity In different research fields the concepts Third Space and Hybridity are becoming more and more common. To some extent these concepts are connected to Homi K. Bhabha. First, democratic education as a space of ambivalence will be introduced. Then, the work of Bhabha will be illuminated. The thesis is that democratic education is an uncanny opportunity because it is a Third Space since hybridity is at work in power/knowledge, subject and culture identity, and meaning/language. Tom Storfors, Mälardalen University, Sweden Graduate School of Education and Sustainable Development Bhabha Spivak Said Fanon Chikrabarty Foucault Derrida Lacan Orientalism Eurocentrism the SubAltern Stereotypes Mimicry the Uncanny Hybridity
5 Democratic education as an uncanny opportunity Third Space and Hybridity in Education Democratic education as a space of ambivalence Reading Third Space and Hybridity Stereotypes, mimicry and ambivalence Writing and ontology Translation Hybridity and identity The uncanny Democratic education as an uncanny opportunity Tom Storfors, Mälardalen University, Sweden Graduate School of Education and Sustainable Development Bhabha Spivak Said Fanon Chikrabarty Foucault Derrida Lacan Orientalism Eurocentrism the SubAltern Stereotypes Mimicry the Uncanny Hybridity
6 Democratic education as an uncanny opportunity Democratic education is an uncanny opportunity because it is a Third Space since hybridity is at work in power/knowledge, subject and culture identity, and meaning/language. Tom Storfors, Mälardalen University, Sweden Graduate School of Education and Sustainable Development Bhabha Spivak Said Fanon Chikrabarty Foucault Derrida Lacan Orientalism Eurocentrism the SubAltern Stereotypes Mimicry the Uncanny Hybridity