Accessing the Additional Parties 01A Form 1.Once the 07A form is finished, you will have minimal data entry to do. If additional parties are involved, the Additional Parties 01A form must be filled. An additional party is when one or more plaintiffs or defendants are involved in the case. 2.To access the Additional Parties 01A form, hit on the 07A form and choose the 01A form from the list. You may also access the Additional Parties form by clicking on the hyperlink ‘Goto01A’ in the Plaintiff’s claim (located on the right side of Column C in the Plaintiffs and Defendant’s section). To see visual example, go to next slide.
Accessing the Additional Parties 01A Form Option #1: Click on the Goto01A hyperlink to access the Additional Parties form. Option #2: Click on to go back to the list of forms. Select the 01A.
Filling out the Additional Parties 01A Form 1.In Row 13 and Row 15 you have the option of marking an ‘X’ for either an additional plaintiff or an additional defendant. Choose only one. Fill out the information for that specific plaintiff or defendant. The claim number will automatically transfer over from the 07A form. 2.If there are any more additional plaintiffs or defendants, fill out the next section Additional Party #2 for that specific person, marking an ‘X’ again for either an additional plaintiff or an additional defendant. 3.When you are finished filling out the information, change your FORM STATUS to ‘Done’. Then click on the ‘Generate and Merge’ button. To see visual examples, see next few slides.
Filling out the Additional Parties 01A Form 1.Mark an ‘X’ for either an additional plaintiff or an additional defendant. 2.Fill out the rest of the information accordingly.
Form Status 3. When you are finished filling out the information, change your FORM STATUS to ‘Done’.
Generate & Merge 4. Click on the ‘Generate and Merge’ button.
A pop-up dialogue box will appear, prompting you to run an SQL script. Click ‘Yes’ to continue. SQL Script
1.Two Word documents will appear. ‘Form Letters 1’ is the document you need. Behind it is the merge document SCR_01A, which you do not need. Please close the merge document without changing it. 2.Review the ‘Form Letters 1’ document carefully to see if all your information has been generated correctly. If you wish, use Save As to save the output where you want to store it. 3.Print as many copies as you need of the document. You can now bring these along with you to the Small Claims Court. To see visual examples, see next few slides. Generating the Word Document
Review info in ‘Form Letters 1’. You may save this document using the ‘Save As’ function. Print as many copies as you need. Close immediately, do not save. Form Letters 1 Merge Document (SCR_01A)