Metatheory, metalanguage, metapedagogy: Designing a discipline for teaching David Rose Linguistics & Education, University of Sydney Bernstein 1996: Education is central to the knowledge base of society, groups and individuals. Yet education also, like health, is a public institution, central to the production and reproduction of distributive injustices… Education can have a crucial role in creating tomorrow’s optimism in the context of today’s pessimism. But if it is to do this then we must have an analysis of the social biases in education. These biases lie deep within the very structure of the educational system’s processes of transmission and acquisition and their social assumptions.
Bernstein 2000: ‘It might be useful to recall the development of the work that leads up to the present analysis… up to the 1980s: ‘principles of pedagogic transmission/acquisition - code modalities, classification and framing (‘modalities of elaborated codes and their generating social contexts’) mid-1980s: ‘pedagogic device - distributive, recontextualising and evaluative rules, and their social basis (‘construction of pedagogic discourse which the modalities of elaborated codes pre-supposed’) mid-1990s: ‘vertical and horizontal discourses, hierarchical and horizontal knowledge structures (‘discourses subject to pedagogic transformation’)
…or subverting the conspiracy to not teach children how to learn from reading
Metatheory Metapedagogy projecting instructional field regulative tenor regulative mode regulative field Metalanguage
1 Metatheory
Regulative tenor: success/failure, inclusion/exclusion Regulative field: learning activities doing/ studying projecting Regulative mode: spoken, written visual, manual Instructional field ‘specialized skills’ Pedagogic genre code modalities classification framing knowledge structures
fields (Martin) activity sequencestaxonomies discourses (Bernstein) proceduresprinciples institutionsapplicationstheories personsskillsknowledge Knowledge and disciplines: two perspectives ab 1 1a1b 2 2a2b 1234
disciplinesprocedures physical sciencestechnology design (manufacturing) biological sciencesbiology design (agriculture) medicinebodily healing lawlegal practice economicsfinancial control psychologymental healing sociologysocial control linguisticsdiscourse analysis educationclassroom teaching degree of insulation Insulation between theory and practice
productionrecontextualisationreproduction teacher training classroom teaching social science linguisticspsychology Segmentalising vertical discourses in teacher training classroom teaching topic1topic2topic3topic4… teacher training L1L2L3L4…