Can We Save Them? By Axel Medrano
Can We Save Them? By Axel Medrano
The florida panthers are carnivorous. There are only thirty to fifty left in America. They live in forests and marshes in southern Florida. florida panthers must have room to roam. we also need to protect forests and marshes so these animals have a home.we also need to protect them from cars. to do this we can build underpasses so the panthers do not have to cross highways where they are vulnerable to speeding cars. Panther’s
Wolves are endangered because people are pulling trees down in the forest and companies pollute the environment with smoke coming out of their smokestacks. while destroying forests will build more buildings it harms wildlife and there is no room for other animals to live. Ranchers and hunters gun down wolves so that their cattle can run free on federal land and so that moose and elk become overpopulated and the hunters can hunt them. Wolves are unfairly killed by these people. Wolves
The peregrine falcon goes to the city to live because people have cut down forests to construct buildings. So now the falcon does not have trees to live in. These birds do not have room to roam just as i said in the previous photo. the falcon goes to the city to find food for their children. peregrine falcon
Pandas are endangered by hunters who kill them or make them captives and take away their freedom by putting them cages or Zoos. Only now are there people who helps them grow and stay safe. Panda Bear
The florida panthers are carnivorous. There are only thirty to fifty left in America. They live in forests and marshes in southern Florida. florida panthers must have room to roam. we also need to protect forests and marshes so these animals have a home.we also need to protect them from cars. to do this we can build underpasses so the panthers do not have to cross highways where they are vulnerable to speeding cars. Panther’s
Wolves are endangered because people are pulling trees down in the forest and companies pollute the environment with smoke coming out of their smokestacks. while destroying forests will build more buildings it harms wildlife and there is no room for other animals to live. Ranchers and hunters gun down wolves so that their cattle can run free on federal land and so that moose and elk become overpopulated and the hunters can hunt them. Wolves are unfairly killed by these people. Wolves
The peregrine falcon goes to the city to live because people have cut down forests to construct buildings. So now the falcon does not have trees to live in. These birds do not have room to roam just as i said in the previous photo. the falcon goes to the city to find food for their children. peregrine falcon
Pandas are endangered by hunters who kill them or make them captives and take away their freedom by putting them cages or Zoos. Only now are there people who helps them grow and stay safe. Panda Bear