SLAC, HiRes T-461: “FLASH” part 1 Justin Findlay
Data: ntuple Run Event Type: event type N e - : number of electrons n: blind north PMT N: signal north PMT s: blind south PMT S: signal south PMT Pressure Temperature hV: high voltage Flow: gas flow Mixture: gas mixture Quality: event quality NL: signal PMTs’ SL, nearest LED event Np: each PMT’s Np, nearest pedestal sp Sp
Data: runs
Cuts: high voltage beforeafter
Cuts: LED before
Cuts: LED after S bar LED N bar LED
Data Reconstruction Subtract pedestal Correct PMT gain wander Extrapolate from LED events to all events Convert blind PMT gain to signal PMT gain Subtract background measured by blind PMT
Cuts: signal PMT correlation Blue: non-ethylene data Black: ethylene data
Cuts: N e - per linearity, air
Cuts: N e - per linearity, N 2
Yield: function Y: yield C: constant 0 ∙ and p’: represent wavelength specific constants p: pressure
Yield: fit, air
Yield: fit, N 2
Yield Still need to incorporate errors propagated 2 / N df too large for result to be reliable Try for the principal lines
Systematic Error Account for systematic biases and failings - PMT Gains - Pedestals / Data Acquisition System - Beam Monitor - Temperature - Pressure
The End