1 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) Add-on Status Model Task Force Data Committee October 17, 2008
2 Presentation Overview Funding and NHTS Background Sampling Plan Current Status Discussion
3 Funding and NHTS Background Funding approved by MPOAC via PL Funds – Total cost for 12,000 urban samples is $2,100,000 – Data analysis & tabulation $500,000 – FDOT allocated $350,000 for 2,000 rural samples
4 Funding and NHTS Background Daily data collected includes: – Purpose of the trip (work, shopping, etc.) – Means of transportation used (car, bus, subway, walk, etc.) – How long the trip took (i.e., travel time) – Time of day when the trip took place – Day of week when the trip took place – Private vehicle trip details number of people in the vehicle (i.e., vehicle occupancy) driver characteristics (age, sex, worker status, education level, etc.) vehicle attributes (make, model, model year, amount of miles driven in a year)
5 Funding and NHTS Background Data used to: – Quantify travel behavior – Analyze changes in travel characteristics over time – Relate travel behavior to the demographics of the traveler – Study the relationship of demographics and travel over time Data items not included: – Travel costs – Information on specific routes – Longitudinal information – Reasons for specific mode
6 Sampling Plan Proposed Sampling Plan – Region 1 – Collier, Lee, Charlotte, Sarasota, and Manatee (Census 2000 Households: 545,158 ) – Region 2 – Duval, St. Johns, Clay, Nassau, and Alachua (Census 2000 Households: 613,890 ) – Region 3 – Leon, Gadsen, Wakulla, Walton, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Escambia, and Bay (Census 2000 Households: 424,149 ) – Region 4 – Broward, Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, Indian River, St. Lucie, and Martin (Census 2000 Households: 2,150,666 ) – Region 5 – Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Lake, Sumter, Brevard, Volusia, and Marion (Census 2000 Households: 1,040,095 ) – Region 7 – District 7 (except Citrus) and Polk (Census 2000 Households: 1,196,954 ) – Region 8 – Rural counties not in the first six (Census 2000 Households: 370,209 )
7 Sampling Plan Sample SizeConfidence Interval (95% CL) Region Number of HouseholdsOriginalRevisedOriginalRevised 1 545,158 1,096 1,200± 3.0%± 2.8% 2 613,890 1,234 ± 2.8% 3 424, ,200± 3.4%± 2.8% 4 2,150,666 4,322 4,116± 1.5% 5 1,040,095 2,090 2,000± 2.1%± 2.2% 7 1,196,954 2,406 2,250± 2.0%± 2.1% 8 370,209 2,000 ± 2.2% Total 6,341,121 14,000 ± 0.8%
8 Sampling Plan RegionSample Size Region 11,200 Region 21,224 Region 31,200 Region 44,116 Region 52,000 Region 72,250 Region 82,000
9 Sampling Plan MPO Sample Size Each MPO will be sampled such that atleast 80% of the sampled households from the MPO are included in the region sample Why do this? – Makes data collection more cost effective – Ensures sufficient samples for segmentation
10 Sampling Plan Rural Counties FDOT DistrictTotal HouseholdsSample Size Confidence Interval (95% CL) 1 83, ± 4.6% 2 125, ± 3.8% 3 51, ± 5.9% 5 21, ± 9.2% 6 35, ± 7.1% 7 52, ± 5.8% Rural Total 370,209 2,000± 2.2%
11 Current Status Very positive response rate Slated to complete in April 2009 Region CategoryTotalFL Total Target Sample Size14,000 Useable Households (final) as of 10/14/20086,278 % of Completion Goal44.8% Extended (Retrieval) HH Cooperation Rate (%)74.1%
12 Current Status
13 Current Status
14 Current Status
15 Current Status
16 Current Status
17 Discussion