Chapter 9 Elizabeth Lytle, MPH, BSN, RN Los Altos School District Personal Sexuality
Hormones And Sexual Development Hypothalamus GnRH Pituitary Gland Gonadotropins Gonads Sex Hormones Hormones are chemical messengers that arouse cells and organs Hormones influence how we look, feel, develop and behave
Sex Hormones Trigger Puberty
Female Sex Organs
Menstrual Cycle
Main Events Of Menstrual Cycle Hypothalamus triggers pituitary to release FSH and LH FSH stimulates follicle development Follicle produces estrogen that triggers ovulation Estrogen and progesterone stimulate uterus to prepare for egg If egg is fertilized, pregnancy begins If egg is not fertilized, menstruation occurs
Female Sexual Health Conditions Premenstrual Syndrome Toxic Shock Syndrome Menstrual Cramps Amenorrhea Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Premenstrual Syndrome Is Common Causes Hormone deficiency or imbalance Thyroid hormone abnormalities Stress Symptoms Mood changes Anxiety Irritability Forgetfulness Digestive symptoms Hot flashes Insomnia Water retention Treatment Exercise Diuretics SSRI Calcium & vitamin D Less caffeine
Premenstrual Dyphoric Disorder PMDD is not related to PMS Symptoms Depression during last week of menstrual cycle Cannot function at work, school or home Treatment SSRIs Birth control pill that stops ovulation
Menstrual Cramps Caused by overproduction of prostaglandins Abdominal cramps and pain Leg and back pain Diarrhea Tension Water retention
Amenorrhea Defined Absence of menstruation for 3 or more consecutive months Health Effects Loss of bone density Osteoporosis Stress fractures
Toxic Shock Syndrome What Bacterial infection in women who use tampons Symptoms High fever Rash – peeling of skin Dizziness Very low blood pressure Treatment Antibiotics IV Immunoglobulin
Male Sex Organs
Circumcision Removal of foreskin – skin covering the penis Why? Religious tradition Reduces risk of HIV, herpes, and HPV in men and trichomonas in women Lower risk of penis cancer Less risk of urinary tract infection in babies Easier genital hygiene Prevention of foreskin infections and retraction
Characteristics Of Sexual Health Sexually Healthy Relationship Consensual Non- exploitative Honest Mutually pleasurable Protected against STI and pregnancy
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual Sexual or romantic attraction between opposite sexes Homosexual Sexual, emotional, social attraction to member of same sex Bisexual Sexual attraction to both males and females Many vary across life-span
Sexual Orientation Transgender Identify with the opposite gender than their birth gender Behavior as opposite gender for social pleasure rather than sexual gratification Transsexual Feel trapped in body of wrong gender May undergo gender reassignment surgery
Sexual Behavior Across The Life-Span See sex as normal peer behavior One-third report using condoms Drinking increases sexual risk Average frequency of sex is once weekly Frequency of sex decreases with education level Sexual exploration Erections, wet dreams, masturbation Kissing, petting, touching, oral sex Adolescent College Adult
Why People Have Sex Attraction to another person Physical pleasure Express love Feeling desired by the other person Escalating depth of relationship Curiosity or adventure Marking special occasion Mere opportunity ‘Just Happened’
Sexual Activities Fantasy Celibacy Masturbation Oral Sex Intercourse Anal Stimulation Outercourse Anal Intercourse Abstinence
Phases Of Sexual Response Excitement intensifies – penis increases in length, vagina swells Return to non-excited state Heart rate, blood pressure and breathing return to normal Stimulation causes male erection and female lubrication Excitement Plateau Orgasm Resolution 3-12 muscular contractions 4/5 second apart for up to 60 seconds