Literary Terms Week 2
Alliteration Definition: a pattern of sound that includes the repetition of consonant sounds. The repetition can be located at the beginning of successive words or inside the words. Poets often use alliteration to audibly represent the action that is taking place.
Caesura Definition: A pause in a line of Poetry, usually occurring near the middle. It typically corresponds to a break in the natural rhythm or sense of the line but is sometimes shifted to create special meanings or rhythmic effects.
Free verse Definition: Poetry that lacks regular metrical and rhyme patterns but that tries to capture the Cadences of everyday speech. The form allows a poet to exploit a variety of rhythmical effects within a single poem. Free-verse techniques have been widely used in the twentieth century by such writers as Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot, Carl Sandburg, and William Carlos Williams.
Narrator Definition: one who tells a story, the speaker or the “voice” of an oral or written work. Although it can be, the narrator is not usually the same person as the author. The narrator is one of three types of characters in a given work: (1) participant (protagonist or participant in any action that may take place in the story) (2) observer (someone who is indirectly involved in the action of a story) (3) non participant (one who is not at all involved in any action of the story).
Rhythm Definition: A regular pattern of sound, time intervals, or events occurring in writing, most often and most discernibly in Poetry. Regular, reliable rhythm is known to be soothing to humans, while interrupted, unpredictable, or rapidly changing rhythm is disturbing.