LAWs IA&S Workstream local e-gov National Project Local Authority Websites (LAWs) Sheila Apicella Assistant Programme Director Local eGovernment Standards Body IA&S Workstrand Leader
LAWs IA&S Workstream LAWs Information Architecture and Standards Workstream
LAWs IA&S Workstream Taking Metadata back to the ranch What is metadata Why do we need it Is there a business case for using metadata What are the benefits Role of the esd- toolkit
LAWs IA&S Workstream What is Metadata? Data about Data So what?
LAWs IA&S Workstream Metadata is:- Information used to describe a resource so that you and others can find it again It is a way of sharing data in a logical format Helps keep track of resources held electronically It sets out rules to help you manage information assets Simply a method of categorising information
LAWs IA&S Workstream Content all jumbled together Shared drives Different lists being used by Local Authorities Other Lists being used by Central Government Why do we need Metadata now – We’ve been managing ok – Haven’t we?
LAWs IA&S Workstream Title Author Publisher Subject Matter Fact or fiction ISDN identification Libraries have been doing it for years!!
LAWs IA&S Workstream Does this sound familiar? Staff complain about the waves of irrelevant information and struggle Citizens struggle to find content and often give up How do you know whether you have overlapping or conflicting content
LAWs IA&S Workstream Is there a Business Case for categorising your content? Information is a valuable asset like buildings, finance and people – should be valued Managing your Intellectual Capital will show business benefits Respond to questions quickly and accurately Evaluate content to make better decisions Gives your customers greater confidence in your ability to provide speedy and accurate information
LAWs IA&S Workstream What are the benefits? Kick start categorisation initiative with a ready made list Categorisation and controlled lists will enhance your search results Adopting LGCL will bring you in line with many other LAs As more and more LAs adopt LGCL it will enable a powerful and effective search across Local and Central Government. Gives high level categorisation, navigation and controlled list for keywords Links to Directgov
LAWs IA&S Workstream Enables links to external websites
LAWs IA&S Workstream …and there are more benefits Locate something you know already exists Uncover unknown information Adopting a ready made list shortens implementation cycles (and cuts down discussions) Categorisation and use of controlled list enables personalisation of information Enables syndication of information Categorisation and use of controlled lists enables specialised web sites as a sub site of your main site re-using the same information
LAWs IA&S Workstream Micro Business Gateway A local portal that addresses Camden’s specific small business needs Broad objectives To provide a local, single access gateway for Micro Businesses to a range of central and local government regulatory and support services To improve access to business information, particularly to members of ethnic communities To help prevent enforcement action arising from non-regulatory compliance as a result of ignorance, by highlighting responsibility and sign posting regulatory and support information. Micro businesses Advice workers Self employed
LAWs IA&S Workstream …..and more LGCL terms map to LGSL services (PIDs) Derive GCL terms subject.service metadata element/refinement Associate content with a service number Count (all or ‘priority’) services to measure BVPI 157 ‘provide information’
LAWs IA&S Workstream Key Messages - How does metadata help? Controlled vocabulary for metadata (important for portals and to enable sharing of information across the Authority improving service delivery) Enhanced searching Web site navigation structure Helps measure performance
LAWs IA&S Workstream LAWs, Metadata & APLAWS+ e-GIF defines rules for using information across government e-GMS defines standards for referencing ‘resources’ LAWs addresses applying standards in local government to Web sites
LAWs IA&S Workstream LGCL Structure Top level (preferred) term | Equivalent terms Preferred term | Equivalent terms RT: Related term Preferred term | Equivalent terms Narrower term | Equivalent terms Terms have: Shortcuts, A-Z flags, Mappings to LGSL (PIDs), GCL and ACL
LAWs IA&S Workstream Content updated without need for web skills Metadata (the eGMS) assigned at the point of creating content Categorise content
LAWs IA&S Workstream Assigning LGCL Categories in APLAWS+
LAWs IA&S Workstream LGCL in esd-toolkit freely available to all View and freely download all standards in XML, Word, PDF etc Strict Version control Ongoing Support for LGCL & meta data standards in conjunction with Local eGovernment Standards Body
LAWs IA&S Workstream LGCL Viewer
LAWs IA&S Workstream LGCL in esd-toolkit as a subscribed Authority View terms and associated services and their generic content Update equivalent terms and keywords for a concept Restructure navigation and update other data Export a local ‘view’ Submit new terms/concepts Access to forum
LAWs IA&S Workstream Controlled Lists in esd-toolkit
LAWs IA&S Workstream LGCL FAQs When will LGCL be complete /stable? When will it be released with my requested changes? Is LGCL mandatory? Can I change LGCL? Will LGCL be sustainable after LAWs?
LAWs IA&S Workstream What is available and where can you find this information? LAWs Metadata Guidelines LAWs Local Government Category List Guidance Notes LGCL 1.03 LAWs Syndication (Introduction/ Guidelines / Technical Standards)
LAWs IA&S Workstream Reference and Support LAWs IA&S resources: Online forum: Project Website: Sheila Apicella: Mike Thacker: