New LLB Curriculum: Optional Program Staff Seminar 19 July 2005
Objectives To summarise key recommendations of Optional Subjects Working Group To elicit further feedback and discussion from staff
Topics Structure Scheduling Skills and cross-cutting influences Administrative implications Next steps [“R” denotes proposed recommendation]
Structure R: Optional program be organised into structure comprising broad subject suites Features Not rigidly defined or mutually exclusive Subject to annual review Not prescriptive in any way Advantages Curriculum planning Course planning External marketing
Structure, cont Proposed suites Asian LawInternational & Comparative Law Corporate & Commercial LawLabour Law Criminal Law & JusticeLegal Theory Dispute ResolutionPractical Family LawProperty, Land & Resources Law Indigenous Issues in the LawPublic Law Intellectual Property, Media & Information Technology Law Taxation Interdisciplinary
Structure, cont Proposed suites, cont Issues Broad vs specific model Subject classifications (see Appendix B) Primary / secondary relevance Legal Theory suite Removal of subjects not offered for 3 consecutive years
Scheduling R: Optional subjects be scheduled on a two-year planning cycle Advantages Course planning Resource planning
Scheduling, cont R: Optional program allow for scheduling in summer semester, provided large enrolment subjects be offered again the next year in the usual teaching period R: As a general rule, optional program not allow for scheduling in winter break
Skills & Cross-cutting influences Skills and cross-cutting influences have already been formalised in optional subject design R: There be horizontal (within optional suites) and vertical (between compulsory and optional programs) co-ordination in relation to skills, cross-cutting influences and related aspects of optional subject design
Administrative implications R: Information about subject suites, classifications and scheduling in the optional program be available on UGS web-site and in subject descriptions in user-friendly format
Administrative implications, cont R: Subject suite representatives be appointed with role of facilitating discussions between optional subject teachers within each suite and with related compulsory subject teachers regarding subjects to be offered; scheduling; skills co-ordination; teaching methods; assessment, etc
Administrative implications, cont R: UGS sub-committee to be appointed with role of monitoring ongoing implementation and development of new curriculum, including the optional program
Next steps Working group to finalise recommendations and submit to Dean Subject to Dean’s approval, implementation to be commenced Student briefings to be held