1 Joint Staff of Georgian Armed Forces J-7 Military Education and Combat Training Department The Unified System of Doctrines in Georgian Armed Forces 2011
2 LL Division Lessons Learned Division Lessons Learned Division Combat Training Doctrine Development Section Senior officer Senior officer 2/ /1 Chief of section Chief of section Sergeant/specialist Analysis section of Combat training/activities and LL information received form International Mission officer Chief of section officer
3 J-7 Military Education and Combat Training Department The Purpose of the Doctrines Unified System The Purpose of the Doctrines Unified System War Art’s learn in details, practical use and development on Strategic, Operational and Tactical levels Operational and Tactical levels Support of Professional Development of Georgian Armed Forces and full integration in NATO integration in NATO
4 Strategic Publication Working Group GAF Officer & NCO Translators Cubic Consultant Strategic Publication Working Group GAF Officer & NCO Translators Cubic Consultant Strategic Publication Working Group GAF Officer & NCO Translators Cubic Consultant Strategic Publication Working Group GAF Officer & NCO Translators Cubic Consultant Management Structure Doctrine Development Coordination Council Chaired by DCHOD MOD and Joint Staff Representation Tactical Publication Working Group SME and Translators Operational Publication Working Group SME and Translators Strategic Publication Working Group SME and Translators J-7 Military Education and Combat Training Department Coordination Group Chaired by J - 7 CUBIC, J-5 & Education Command Representation
5 DDCC STRAT OPERTACT J5 J7 EDC WORKING GROUP TRANSLATORS MOVE FORWARD WITH ONE VOICE COORDINATION GROUP CUBIC, J5, J7 & ED DPT Doctrinal Publications Development Process Chaired by DCHOD. Department Chief representation. Guides doctrine development priorities and monitors accomplishments. Provides executive guidance: − Funding − Publication development priorities − Approval over formation of Working Groups Resolve issues surfaced by Coordination Group. Approval body for doctrine recommendations to CHOD or Minister. Chaired by J7. Performs detailed administrative tasks (reduces DDCC requirements). Coordinates activities of Working Groups. De-conflicts publication development process. Prepares periodic update status reports. Analysis of available doctrine (Georgian, western, etc.) to meet Georgian requirements. Develops draft Georgian doctrinal publication: −Translation −Determines appropriate principles and tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP) −Contributes to development of common GAF terms and definitions Provides periodic status reports to the Coordination Group. Completes development of draft GAF publication in accordance with the timeline directed by the DDCC. J-7 Military Education and Combat Training Department
6 STRAT OPERTACT J5EDC WORKING GROUP TRANSLATORS Departments of Joint Staff, Armed Forces Branches Commands and Special Operations Forces Working Group Design In accordance with requirements of J-5 Department and Education Command Departments of Joint Staff, Armed Forces Branches Commands and Special Operations Forces support working group design J-7 Military Education and Combat Training Department
7 Operational 31 Strategic 15 Tactical 51 Priority 11 Second Priorities 0 Priority 5 Second Priorities 8 Priority 28 Second Priorities 5 Develop full Doctrines 226 ( Hierarchy ) In Progress 28 Develop full Doctrines 226 ( Hierarchy ) In Progress 28 Priority Doctrines 45 Published 11 Priority Doctrines 45 Published 11 Second Priorities 31 (CGCC) To be Developed - 6 Second Priorities 31 (CGCC) To be Developed - 6 Out of Priorities 30 Out of Priorities 30 J-7 Military Education and Combat Training Department Out of Priorities 4 Out of Priorities 18 Out of Priorities 18
8 Georgian Armed Forces Doctrine Hierarchy Final Publication Released Work Ongoing To be Developed Strategic Joint Doctrine 1 Joint Operations 3-0 Training The Force 7-0 Joint Dictionary JP 1-02 Joint Intelligence JP 2-0 JTF HQ 3-33 Joint Special OPS JP 3-05 Joint Land Ops 3-31 Joint Logistics 4-0 Campaign Planning Comm Syst Support 6-0 Battle Focused Training 7-1 Strategic/Operational C/A Breach OPNS wC Supply Control & Operations Maintenanc Control & Operations Readiness Reporting System Logistics Automation SPTSystem Program Planning Budgeting FS in Air Land Battle FM 6-20 First Aid COMMS Elect fund TC 9-64 Staff struq & responsibility Combt log. support Operational/Tactical Skill Level 1 STP 21-1 Skill Level 2-4 STP Infant Rifle Plat/Squad Tct Deploy. Of AA Plt/Co Mech INF Platoon/Squ ad TTP Fire SPT For C/A Cdr TTP FA BN Tank Platoon ARTEP Inf Recon 7-92 Infantry Squad & Platoon 7-8 ARTEP 7-8 MTP TEO TTP FA Bde OPNS FA BTY TTP Engineer OPNS 3-34 Engineer Platoon 5-10 Signal Leaders Guide Eng OPNS BCT & Below Tactical Employm. of Mort ARTEP 7-7j Drill ARTEP ARTEP 7-7jMTP TTP Fire SPT BDE OPS Lite TTP Fire SPT HVY BDE OPS TTP Observed Fire 6-30 Inf Recon Plt 7-92 TTP FA Cannon Bat 6-50 TTC Cannon Gnry 6-40 Brigade Engineer op Armored TF Engineer op OFS STP 11-25A ARTEP 7-8 DRILL Artillery Tank/ Mechan Engineer Intelig./Signal Urban Operations 3-06 Joint Plans 5-0 MTP FA Cannon BTY FA Cannon BN Staff / HHB Counter Air & Missile Threat 3-01 Draft Publication released
9 Georgian Armed Forces Doctrine Hierarchy Work Ongoing Intelligence Incl CH OPERATIO NS 3-0 Army Spec oper Fors Urban Operations 3-06 CA OPNS in Urb Terrain Stability Operations 3-07 Info Ops Doctrin 3-13 Infantry Rifl Company Operational/Tactical Mission CMD C2-Army Forces 6-0 Army Unive Task List How to Conduct Training Exercis Army Plan / Orders Prod 5-0 Army Leadership 6-22 The Operations Proces Intelligence Analysis 34-3 IPB OPFOR Dctrne Framework OPN Terms & Graphics 1-02 Force Integration JFLC Handbook Tactics 3-90 Tank & Mech Inf BN Brigade Combat Team Infantry Battalion Counter- Insurgency 3-24 Army SOF (CGSC) Team Projects Strategic/Operational Draft 3-33 To be developed Final Publication Released
10 J-7 Military Education and Combat Training Department Out of Priority Published The Following Field Manuals : 1. Infantry company - FM ; 2 Mountain operations - FM ; 3. Engineer platoon - FM 5-10; 4. First aid FM ; 5. Signals electronics, main principles - TC 9-64; 6. Combat exercises - FM ; 7. Military reconnaissance - FM 30-5; 8. Leadership - FM 6-22; 9. Combined arms force air defense - FM 44-8;
11 J-7 Military Education and Combat Training Department Out of Priority Published The Additional Manuals: 1. Field manual for mountain operations (from Russian); 2. Guerrilla wars, Tactics, techniques and procedures (from Russian); 3. Training for guerrilla war (from Russian); 4. Engineer manuals - Engineer Hand book; 5. Geopolitics; 6. Military psychology training; 7. Military political explanatory dictionary; 8. Helicopters combat operations; mm mortar; 10. L-39 aircraft practical aerodynamics; 11. МИ-8 Helicopter practical aerodynamics; 12. Rocket technique principles; 13. Target detection effectiveness evaluation methods by reconnaissance techniques; 14. Evaluation of reconnaissance operations effectiveness; 15. Army hand-to-hand fighting (from Russian); 16. Fighting with light armour techniques, book I BMP; 17. Fighting with light armour techniques, book II BMP; 18. Practical mechanics principles; 19. Commander`s box; 20. Artillery command points. 21. The second Chechnia war 22. High frequency radio set concept and procedures in brigade tactic groups- RF5800-MP and RF V-MP;
12 Questions ? J-7 Military Education and Combat Training Department