TASSCUBO 2007 Summer Workshop Student Business Services Committee Report
Legislative Update 3 Bills Introduced Senate Bill 1231-Refunding Senate Bill 1232-Installment Plan & Emergency Loan Senate Bill 1233-Property Deposit All bills passed the House and Senate and were sent to the Governor on May 27
SB 1231-Refunding Relates to refunds due to dropped courses and student withdrawals Provides for consistency in outlining refunds depending on semester, term or session length Provides for application of credit to outstanding amount due Provides for refund based on amount charged to student instead of amount billed
SB 1231-Refunding Benefits The new language provides for clarity and consistency in the refunding practices across all institutions.
SB-1232 Installment Plan Relates to flexibility in installment option plans Provides flexibility for each institution to set payment plans within guidelines Provides flexibility to set summer payment plans Provides flexibility in collecting small balances or balances from added courses after initial payment Provides for written or electronic agreements
SB-1232 Installment Plan Benefits The amendment provides for greater options in payment plans for students and families leading to possible increased enrollment and student satisfaction with the billing process. Small balance collection flexibility allows institutions the ability to collect small balances and balances due to added courses within the normal billing cycle saving resources and not forcing cancellation for minimal balances
SB1232-Emergency Loans Relates to emergency tuition loans Provides for written or electronic agreements Provides the option of an origination fee in lieu of interest
SB1232-Emergency Loan Benefits Specific authorization for online agreements will allow us to better utilize online billing processes. Collection of an origination fee in lieu of interest will allow institutions who have difficulty or inability to add monthly interest charges the ability to collect processing fees.
SB1233-Property Deposit Relates to changing the property deposit to a general deposit Provides for use of deposit for all balances due to the institution
SB1233-Property Deposit Benefits Institutions may now utilize the property deposit to pay off any student balance upon leaving the university so the last contact for students can be graduation not the billing office.
Special Thanks Senator Zaffirini & Staff Representative Morrison & Staff THECB Lois Hollis & Jane Caldwell Enrollment Services Efficiency Committee (ESEC) All of our universities governmental relations staffs Martha Brown, Texas Tech Michael O’Quinn, Texas A&M
SBS Committee Advisory Council Lois Stahlke-University of Texas at Austin Equilla Jackson-Prairie View A&M University Cindy Rodriquez-Texas State University Joey Saxon-University of North Texas Edgar Smith-Sam Houston State University Bob Piwonka-Texas A&M University at College Station John Cordary-University of Houston at Clear Lake Juan Gonzalez-University of Texas at El Paso Becky Hyde-Texas Tech University
SBS Committee 2007 Focus Education Code Coordination with THECB on important initiatives such as the IFRS update and waivers & exemptions Coordinate efforts with ESEC Continue review of TEC for additional updates
SBS Committee 2007 Focus Communications Ensure communications through out the SBS community about changes in federal and state law, rules, etc. Work with TASSCUBO to update the website with SBS information Work with THECB to develop a web page of all statutes and CB rules pertaining to SBS
SBS Committee 2007 Focus Membership Educate the university community about the purpose of the committee and the importance of participation Use THECB list of senior public universities to identify and contact potential members and maintain a contact list Work collaboratively with TASFAA and TACRAO to identify cross-mission opportunities
SBS Committee 2007 Focus Events Identify areas of importance for presentation at Summer/Winter TASSCUBO workshops Work with TASSCUBO board as needed for arrangements