Welcome on behalf of Brig Gen Thomas J. Loftus USAF, MC, CFS Command Surgeon U.S.Transportation Command USTRANSCOM GPMRC (Global Patient Movement Requirements Center)
PM Mission and Guidance Mission… “Safely transport U.S. military casualties from the combat zone to fixed Medical Treatment Facilities (MTF) and/or field hospitals rearward …other patients may be provided movement on a non-interference basis if the patient’s medical condition, lack of local care and patient movement costs warrant such movement” DODD , Health Services Operations and Readiness –USTRANSCOM is DoD single manager for Patient Movement –OCONUS Combatant CCs responsible for intra-theater PM –USTC/GPMRC responsible for CONUS & inter-theater regulating & PM DODI , Patient Movement (PM) –DoD sponsored PM … should be provided to the nearest appropriate MTF capable of providing the necessary care
TYPES OF PMRCs (Patient Movement Requirements Centers) Global Patient Movement Requirements Center (GPMRC) Theater Patient Movement Requirements Center (TPMRC) Joint Patient Movement Requirements Center (JPMRC) *** PMRCs provide: one stop shopping for Medical Treatment Facilities, centralized control with decentralized execution, and visibility of patients and attendants
PMRC Staffing Joint Billets – Some PMRC variation Validating Flight Surgeon – Supervises clinical patient movement Duty Officer (Usually Medical Service Corps) – Plans missions with AMC based on clinical needs of patients. AMC matches airframe to patient requirements and manages crews using a variety of airframes for dedicated mission routing to include Commercial Air ambulance Patient Movement Clinical Coordinator (Registered Nurses)– Works with Validating Flight Surgeon to meet clinical patient needs Regulator – Clinical enlisted member collects patient information Controller – Enlisted mission supervisor who conducts mission support, transportation issues, etc.
OPR: GPMRC Weekly PATIENT MOVEMENT CENTCOM Delta between requests and patients still in execution. 05 JAN 05: 32 Patient Movement Requests [ 2 Urgent / 2 Priority] [BI: 6] Total Completed PMR’s (10 Oct 2001 to date) : 28, 530 [BI: 5,021] Total Number of PATIENTS MOVED from CENTCOM to EUCOM (10 Oct 2001 to date) : 23, 533 (BI: 4,069) CRITICAL CARE AIR TRANSPORT TMs (CCATT) Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Jan CCATT CCATT A/O Z JAN 05
First Aid/ Buddy Care/ Aid Station AELT (Assists w/ comm) Battlefield Strategic Airlift CONUS Medical Facilities LARMC Landstuhl Army Regional Medical Center CASEVAC / MEDEVAC Strategic Airlift Tactical Airlift
TRAC 2 ES TRANSCOM Regulating and Command/Control Evacuation System Patient movement requests (PMRs) provide a record of patient movement Web based program, T-Mobile capability Providing ITV (In-Transit Visibility) data as patients and attendants move through AE (Aeromedical) system PMRs are built with pre-populated data fields –Mass Casualty PMR capability –GPMRC has Joint Patient Movement Teams that deploy for disaster support Transport to Bed Planner –Matches airlift to required bed (Neuro, Internal Med, etc.)