Pam Deegan CIO Conference October 25, 2011
If you build it, they will come OR we schedule for students. Establish time blocks to maximize efficiency for students, teachers, and classrooms. Stay in time blocks.
Sample Time blocks 2 Days Per Week - Full Term 3 unit lecture (Total Hours = 49.5) Time Block 8am-9:20am 9:30am-10:50am 11:00am-12:20pm 12:30pm-1:50pm 2:00pm-3:20pm 3:30pm-4:50pm 5:00pm-6:20pm 7:30pm-8:50pm 2 Days Per Week - Full Term 4 unit lectures begin 7:30am (Total Hours = 66) Time Block 7:30am-9:20am 9:30am-11:20am 11:30am-1:20pm 1:30pm-3:20pm 3:30pm-5:20pm 5:30pm-7:20pm 7:30pm-9:20pm 2 Days Per Week - Full Term 5 unit courses (lecture) (Total Hours = 82.5) Time Block 8:00am-10:20am 9:30am-11:50am 11:00am-1:20pm 12:00pm-2:20pm 2:30pm-4:50pm 4:00pm-6:20pm 4:30pm-6:50pm 1 Day Per Week Lecture DayTime Block MTWTH2:00pm-4:50pm M-Th6:30pm-9:20pm FridayEnd Before 12:00pm FridayBegin After 12:00pm
Schedule according to your own Academic Master. Plan, plan, plan. Look at the fill rate of your courses. What is a good fill rate? Look at wait list numbers.
For progressive programs, think in pyramids. Give departments hour, FTEF, or other allocation and FTES target. Why? And How?
Actual WSCH/ FTEF 75% Cap WSCH/ FTEF 90% Cap WSCH/ FTEF 95% Cap WSCH/ FTEF 100% Cap WSCH/ FTEF Anthropology Astronomy Automotive Technology Biology Communication Counseling Earth Sciences Education English
Be aware of your curriculum cycle so you can schedule what you want, when you want. Know that you need to calculate adequate time for area dean, state, and commission approvals. Think in systems. Look at your program needs on a 2-year basis.
CourseTitle Spring 2008Fall 2007 Summer 2007 Spring 2007Fall 2006 Summer 2006 HORT 115*Soil Science X X HORT 116*Plant ScienceXX XX HORT 117*Plant IdentificationXX X HORT 121*Landscape ManagementX X HORT 126*Landscape Irrigation X X HORT 127*Landscape DesignX X HORT 128*Landscape Construction X HORT 134*Plant Pest ControlX X HORT 110***Basic Horticulture X HORT 111***Intro to Agri-Bus Mgmt X X HORT 118***Arboriculture HORT 130***Adv Irrigation Design HORT 132***Turf Management X HORT 299***Coop Work ExpXX XX * Required Course; ** One of Two Courses Required; *** Select One Course
Know your rate of cancellations, and build that into your schedule. Know when to cancel and how to cancel. Let’s talk about process.
Hybrids?? 8-weekers?? Build them together so you don’t waste a room.
What are the advantages of assigning rooms?? (with 2 year analysis of room utilization) Sample of dates of migrating “ownership” Department date Instruction date Others date
Monitor your enrollments and be ready to make appropriate adjustments. Have a protocol for adding new classes or cancelling others. ** Look at MiraCosta’s enrollment management system, EDDI at (go in as a guest, select “active”, and look at Fall 2010)
Examine the IGETC/other patterns for your college. Look by day/night. Look by location. Look at everything!
Know your apportionment methods and the impact of each method. When you go away from weekly census, you lose FTES. Positive attendance counts in the term where the last day rests.
Summer can count in either year (class by class) IF Census day is in one year and end date in another. Give yourself flexibility by scheduling this way.
Know Board Policy or Contract regarding: Full-time overload for Fall and for Spring. Your order after load is filled Summer, for both Full-time or Associate Faculty (could be different than state law).
Part-time Faculty Load (State says they can only go over.67 for two semesters each 3 years. This has to be tracked. (very serious stuff) Any teaching, including credit, non-credit, and count toward the 67%. Community Services is exempt. How do you track this????
Put together a good and accurate budget. Copy of MiraCosta budget for instruction. Take a look!
Cutting As you cut, keep your core as intact as you can. What you keep involves analysis of your programs relative to your college’s goals, the state’s mission and mandates, and your community needs. Base cuts on analysis of above--the rules are not the same for every program.
Know where you are going and then plan, plan, plan. Be nimble in these times.