MAIN CHARACTERS Rocky Bobby Coach Ward Coach Royson Jared Rocky Fletcher
SETTING The story mostly takes place in the Park City Middle School, on the school football field, and in the locker room which are all located in Park City, Utah. The season in which the story takes place is the Fall.
DESCRIPTION The story is about a boy named Rocky who happened to play football and his position is Wide Receiver. One day, Rocky breaks his best friend Bobby’s leg by accident. Bobby can’t play Safety anymore so his coach asks Rocky to play Safety and Wide Receiver. Jared the kicker is trying to play Safety too. Rocky felt guilty about breaking Bobby’s leg so he offers to sell Bobby’s fundraiser candy for him! Then, Bobby starts to take advantage of Rocky and asks him to do too many things for him. For example, Bobby asked Rocky to help him run for student council and he was getting a little too hard on Rocky. Rocky was so busy that he started to be late for Safety football practice while Jared was on time. All along, Bobby was feeling mad about his best friend playing his position. We find out that he tried to make Rocky late to football practice many times so he wouldn’t get to take over his position as Safety.
Are Bobby and Rocky going to stay friends? Or will this ruin their friendship forever?
Read Matt Christopher’s FOOTBALL DOUBLE THREAT to find out!
I rate this book WIKITASTIC!WWWWW RATING 5! I really enjoyed this book. I think all football people would enjoy it!! 5 IS BEST, 1 IS WORST I rate this book WIKITASTIC!WWWWW
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The End!