Managing Waveform Data and Metadata for Seismic Networks Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil August 2010 Hosted by University of Sao Paulo and University of San Juan
Hosted by University of Sao Paulo Dr. Marcelo Assumpcao University of San Juan, Argentina Dr. Patricia Alverado Sincere Appreciation to the Workshop Hosts
Co-Sponsors IRIS FDSN CERESIS IASPEI IUGG US National Science Foundation Workshop Sponsors
Present state-of-the-art seismic network design principles to network operators Improve the understanding of modern seismic instrumentation Understand how modern data have both monitoring and scientific uses Training in tools enabling the production of waveform data and metadata using the FDSN standard Building connections between network operators in Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, and South America Encourage sharing of seismic data with neighboring countries and internationally with the FDSN Workshop Objectives
Mr. Rick Benson, IRIS DMC Dr. Peter Davis, IRIS/IDA GSN Prof. Emile Okal, Northwestern U. Mr. Reinoud Sleeman, ORFEUS Mr. Chad Trabant, IRIS DMS Prof. Joachim Wasserman, U. of Munich Prof. Erhard Wielandt, U. of Stuttgart Introduction of Lecturers
Seismic Station Installation Peter Davis Seismometers, Theory and Calibration & Noise Measurements Erhard Wielandt Peter Davis Digital Filtering Theory and Digitizers Joachim Wasserman Data Acquisition Systems Reinoud Sleeman Scientific Uses of Modern Seismic Data Emile Okal Major Topics to be Covered
SEED Metadata and waveform data Rick Benson & Reinoud Sleeman Tools for the Production of SEED Metadata Rick Benson Chad Trabant Quality Assurance Rick Benson, Reinoud Sleeman, & Peter Davis Seiscomp3 Reinoud Sleeman & Rick Benson Topics and Lecturers
Marcelo Assumpcao, U. of Sao Paulo Gale Cox, IRIS DMC Patrica Alverado, U. of San Juan Special Thanks for Managing the Workshop Logistics
Network Reports Workshop Specific Details contact Gale Cox Logistics
Representatives from the Americas
Name Organization Country Your role in your organization Introduction of Participants
Dr. Marcelo Assumpcao Dr. Patrica Alverado Dr. Daniel Huaco, CERESIS Dr. Gerardo Suarez, FDSN Welcome by our hosts and Sponsors