The Promised Saviour Waiting for the New Covenant.


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Presentation transcript:

The Promised Saviour Waiting for the New Covenant

Isaiah the Prophet Those who have walked in darkness have seen a bright light. It shines upon everyone in the dark of the night. All who live in a land of shadowy black Turn back to God; Turn back to God! Bible Search Isaiah 7:14

A virgin is pregnant; she will have son and will name him Immanu-El (God is with us). He will be called wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Eternal Father and Prince of Peace. His power will never end. His peace will last forever. Bible Search Isaiah 7:14 Isaiah 9:2-7

John the Baptist Prepare, Prepare! Make ready! Make way! Prepare Prepare- Begin today. In the name of the Lord Who hears the cries Of suffering people. Prepare! Be baptised! Bible Search: Matthew 3:1-12

Isaiah urged the people to prepare for the coming of the Saviour in in Old Testament times past the Old Covenant. John the Baptist guided the people to prepare for the coming of the Saviour in New Testament times So that they would be ready for the New Covenant in Jesus.

Is anyone ever ready to believe that God is near us? Are you? Bible Search Mark 1:1-3 How are you going to get ready for Jesus coming today?

The Birth of Jesus Bible Search Matthew 1:18-23 Mark 1:1-11 Luke 1:26-56 Luke 1:57-80 Luke 2:1-38 Luke 2:39-52 John 1:1-28

Conclude this Power Point with Moment One – Moment 4 in the teacher’s manual, page There are 4-5 days work in the four moments.