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Science Communication & Judicial-Neutrality Communication Look the Same to Me!
Three parallels 1. How scientists recognize valid science || how lawyers recognize neutral judicial decisionmaking 2. Public conflict over valid science || public conflict over neutral judicial decisionmaking 3. How to communicate valid science || how to communicate neutral judicial decisionmaking
Hierarchy Egalitarianism Abortion procedure Cultural Cognition Worldviews compulsory psychiatric treatment Abortion procedure compulsory psychiatric treatment Risk Perception Key Low Risk High Risk Individualism Communitarianism Environment: climate, nuclear Guns/Gun Control HPV Vaccination Gays military/gay parenting Environment: climate, nuclear hierarchical individualists hierarchical communitarians egalitarian communitariansegalitarian individualists
No Argument Balanced Argument Pct. Agree “The HPV vaccine is safe for use among young girls...”
No Argument Balanced Argument Pct. Agree “The HPV vaccine is safe for use among young girls...”
Culturally Identifiable Experts Hierarchy Egalitarianism Communitarianism Individualism Source: Kahan, D.M., Braman, D., Cohen, G.L., Gastil, J. & Slovic, P. Who Fears the HPV Vaccine, Who Doesn't, and Why? An Experimental Study of the Mechanisms of Cultural Cognition. L. & Human Behavior 34, (2010).
No Argument Balanced Argument Pct. Agree “The HPV vaccine is safe for use among young girls...” Expected Argument/Advocate Alignment
No Argument Expected Argument/Advocate Alignment Balanced Argument Pct. Agree “The HPV vaccine is safe for use among young girls...” Unexpected Argument/Advocate Alignment
No Argument Expected Argument/Advocate Alignment Unexpected Argument/Advocate Alignment Pluralistic Argument Environment Balanced Argument Pct. Agree “The HPV vaccine is safe for use among young girls...”
No Argument Expected Argument/Advocate Alignment Unexpected Argument/Advocate Alignment Pluralistic Argument Environment Balanced Argument Pct. Agree “The HPV vaccine is safe for use among young girls...”
Culturally Identifiable Experts Hierarchy Egalitarianism Communitarianism Individualism Source: Kahan, D.M., Braman, D., Cohen, G.L., Gastil, J. & Slovic, P. Who Fears the HPV Vaccine, Who Doesn't, and Why? An Experimental Study of the Mechanisms of Cultural Cognition. L. & Human Behavior 34, (2010).
Climate Change Nuclear Power Climate Change Nuclear Power Guns/Gun Control Hierarchy Egalitarianism Individualism Communitarianism Cultural Cognition Worldviews Risk Perception Key Low Risk High Risk
Source: Kahan, D.M., Jenkins-Smith, H. & Braman, D. Cultural Cognition of Scientific Consensus. J. Risk Res. 14, (2011).
High Risk (science conclusive) Low Risk (science inconclusive) Climate Change
Low Risk (safe) High Risk (not safe) Geologic Isolation of Nuclear Wastes
High Risk (Increase crime) Low Risk (Decrease Crime) Concealed Carry Laws
N = 1,500. Derived from ordered-logit regression analysis, controlling for demographic and political affiliation/ideology variables. Culture variables set 1 SD from mean on culture scales. CIs reflect 0.95 level of confidence Concealed Carry Climate Change Nuclear Power 31% 54% 22% 58% 61% 72% Pct. Point Difference in Likelihood of Selecting Response 60% 40% 20% 0 20% 40% 60% Egalitarian Communitarian More Likely to Agree Hierarchical Individualist More Likely to Agree Featured scientist is a knowledgeable and credible expert on...
Three parallels 1. How scientists recognize valid science || how lawyers recognize neutral judicial decisionmaking 2. Public conflict over valid science || public conflict over neutral judicial decisionmaking 3. How to communicate valid science || how to communicate neutral judicial decisionmaking
Did protestors cross the line between “speech” and “intimidation”?
“The record confirms that any distress occasioned by Westboro’s picketing turned on the content and viewpoint of the message conveyed, rather than any interference with the funeral itself.” Snyder v. Phelps, 131 S. Ct (2011)
Did protestors cross the line between “speech” and “intimidation”?
Experimental Conditions Recruitment Center ConditionAbortion Clinic Condition
Hierarchy Egalitarianism Individualism Communitarianism hierarchical individualists hierarchical communitarians egalitarian communitariansegalitarian individualists Cultural Cognition Worldviews
Anti- demonstrator Pro- demonstrator “Complete Polarization” “Semi-polarization” Hypotheses
Pct. Agree Protestors blocked Screamed in face Pedestrians just not want to listen Police just annoyed
Deadly force warranted by lethal risk posed by driver Derived by monte carlo simulation based on logistic regression model. CIs reflect 0.95 level of confidence. Likelihood of agreeing with S. Ct. majority
“The record confirms that any distress occasioned by Westboro’s picketing turned on the content and viewpoint of the message conveyed, rather than any interference with the funeral itself.” Snyder v. Phelps, 131 S. Ct (2011)
Three parallels 1. How scientists recognize valid science || how lawyers recognize neutral judicial decisionmaking 2. Public conflict over valid science || public conflict over neutral judicial decisionmaking 3. How to communicate valid science || how to communicate neutral judicial decisionmaking
science communication remedies
Three parallels 1. How scientists recognize valid science || how lawyers recognize neutral judicial decisionmaking 2. Public conflict over valid science || public conflict over neutral judicial decisionmaking 3. How to communicate valid science || how to communicate neutral judicial decisionmaking
Three parallels 1. How scientists recognize valid science || how lawyers recognize neutral judicial decisionmaking 2. Public conflict over valid science || public conflict over neutral judicial decisionmaking 3.How to communicate valid science || how to communicate neutral judicial decisionmaking 4.How to study public conflict over science || how to study public conflict over neutrality : By conjecture and refutation—not storytelling and bombast!
Dan M. Kahan Yale Law School Donald Braman George Washington University John Gastil University of Washington Geoffrey Cohen Stanford University Paul Slovic University of Oregon Ellen Peters Ohio State University Hank Jenkins-Smith University of Oklahoma David Hoffman Temple Law School Gregory Mandel Temple Law School Maggie Wittlin Cultural Cognition Project Lab Lisa Larrimore-Ouelette Cultural Cognition Project Lab Danieli Evans Cultural Cognition Project Lab June Carbone Univ. Missouri-Kansas City Michael Jones Safra Ethics Center, Harv. Univ. Naomi Cahn George Washington University Jeffrey Rachlinksi Cornell Law School John Byrnes Cultural Cognition Project Lab John Monahan University of Virginia
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