King Asa 2 Chr. 14-16 Background Asa was the 3 rd king of Judah His father, Abijam, only ruled 3 years –Not a good king (1 Kgs 15:3) –Only good noted.


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Presentation transcript:

King Asa 2 Chr

Background Asa was the 3 rd king of Judah His father, Abijam, only ruled 3 years –Not a good king (1 Kgs 15:3) –Only good noted for was raising a good son (1 Kings 15:4) Because of God’s promise to David

Early reign 2 Chr 14:1-6 –Removed idols –Insisted on a return to worshipping God –Strengthened Judah’s cities –Blessed with 10 years of peace

First War 2 Chr 14:9-13 –Vastly outnumbered –Called upon God for salvation –God delivered Judah and overthrew the Ethiopians

Azariah’s Message 2 Chr 15:1-7 –The Lord is with you when you are with Him –If you seek Him, He will let you find Him –If you forsake Him, He will forsake you –Be strong and do not lose courage, there is a reward for your work

The response Asa got busy purifying Judah (2 Chr 15:8) People flocked to Asa (2 Chr 15:9) –Even from Israel –They made a covenant with the Lord (2 Chr 15:12-15) –Even enforced law against his own mother (2 Chr 15:16) Not perfect, but blameless (2 Chr 15:17)

The next war After 25 more years of peace Israel tried to prevent desertion - 2 Chr 16:1 Asa came up with a political solution –2 Chr 16:2-5 God scolded Asa for not seeking God –2 Chr 16:7-9 Asa put God’s prophet in prison –2 Chr 16:10

The end of his reign Three years later –He had foot trouble (2 Chr 16:12) –Did not seek God, only doctors Two years later –He died (2 Chr 16:13)

Lessons to be learned No other gods before Him –Not just removal of idols –God wants to be sought out If we seek Him, He will let us find Him If we forsake Him, He will forsake us –Trusting God starts by seeking Him Prov 3:5-8

Lessons to be learned Be willing to listen to a rebuke –Prov 13:1 –If Asa had only listened,.... –Instead he showed his arrogance Be willing to repent of past sins –God still wanted Asa to seek Him –Asa refused and died

Conclusion Will you seek God or will you forsake Him? Will you listen to His rebukes or will you be arrogant towards Him? Will you repent or will you die in your sins?