Thematic Studies In Bible Basics
Lesson 4 Ù The Bible…The Only Book Ì The Inerrancy Of The Bible “Inerrancy” = “To be infallibly & inherently correct; to be free from error” [Webster] This connects the nature of God Himself with the nature of His word A connection made by Heb 4:12-13 Our view of God must match our view of Him
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 4 Ù The Bible…The Only Book Ì The Inerrancy Of The Bible What we know re: God’s character… Num 23:19 Titus 1:2 Heb 6:18 What we know re: the source of Scripture… 2 Tim 3:16-17 Therefore, we know His word only contains truth…it has no error or false information
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 4 Ù The Bible…The Only Book Í The Durability Of The Bible One of the Bible’s most salient features is its indestructibleness Most likely, no other literary work in history has had to endure as many determined “attacks” at being destroyed as has the Bible Both literally as well as figuratively
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 4 Ù The Bible…The Only Book Í The Durability Of The Bible Attempts on the Bible… Biblical example Ù Jehoiakim Jer 36 Secular examples – Antiochus Epiphanes ca. 170 B.C. Diocletian ca. 303 Roman Catholic popes
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 4 Ù The Bible…The Only Book Í The Durability Of The Bible Despite such attempts, the word of God will always endure…man is unable to permanently destroy it cp. Mt 24:35 1 Pet 1:23-25
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 4 Ù The Bible…The Only Book Î Other Books Besides The Bible Even though more than sufficient proof exists that the Bible is God’s only book, other books have arisen in history claiming to be from God The only way to know their “genuineness” is to compare them to the Bible If they say more than the Bible Ù too much
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 4 Ù The Bible…The Only Book Î Other Books Besides The Bible Even though more than sufficient proof exists that the Bible is God’s only book, other books have arisen in history claiming to be from God The only way to know their “genuineness” is to compare them to the Bible If they say less than the Bible Ù not enough
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 4 Ù The Bible…The Only Book Î Other Books Besides The Bible Even though more than sufficient proof exists that the Bible is God’s only book, other books have arisen in history claiming to be from God The only way to know their “genuineness” is to compare them to the Bible If they say same as the Bible Ù don’t need them
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 4 Ù The Bible…The Only Book Î Other Books Besides The Bible The Book of Mormon This book contradicts the Bible on many issues, and contains many errors One of the most “notable” errors is its teaching on man and his sin Book of Mormon Ù 2 Nephi 2:21 Bible Ù Ezek 18:1-3, 20 Rom 5:12
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 4 Ù The Bible…The Only Book Î Other Books Besides The Bible The Book of Mormon Therefore, we conclude this book is not from God and is to be rejected as erroneous and fraudulent
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 4 Ù The Bible…The Only Book Î Other Books Besides The Bible The Koran It, too, contradicts the Bible on several topics Most notably, re: the death of Jesus Christ The Koran Ù 4: The Bible Ù Lk 23:33 Mk 15:42-45 Jn 19:31-35 Therefore, we conclude this book is also a fraud and is to be rejected
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics