2 CHAPTER OUTLINE Atomic Structure Atomic Structure Radioactivity Radioactivity Alpha Decay Alpha Decay Beta & Gamma Decays Beta & Gamma Decays Radionuclide Radionuclide Half Life Half Life Nuclear Fission & Fusion Nuclear Fission & Fusion
3 ATOMIC STRUCTURE The general designation for an atom is shown below: No. of protons No. of protons & neutrons
4 Example 1: Determine the number of protons, electrons and neutrons in a fluorine atom. # of protons = atomic no. (Z)= 9 # of electrons = # of protons = 9 # of neutrons = A-Z = 19-9 = 10
5 Example 2: Argon (Ar) has 18 protons, 18 electrons and 22 neutrons. Write a formula designation for an argon atom. Atomic no. = # of protons = 18 Mass no. = p + + n 0 = = 40
6 HISTORY OF RADIOACTIVITY The discovery of radioactivity can be attributed to several scientists. Wilhem Roentgen discovered X-rays in Shortly after that, Henri Becquerel observed radioactive behavior while experimenting with salts of uranium. However, the term radioactivity was first coined by Marie Curie in 1898.
7 RADIOACTIVITY Radioactivity is the spontaneous emission of particles and/or rays from the nucleus of an atom. Nuclides are said to be stable (non-radioactive) or unstable (radioactive). All elements having an atomic number greater than 83 (bismuth) have unstable nuclei, which undergo spontaneous decay (disintegration), and are therefore radioactive.
8 RADIOACTIVITY These elements can undergo one of 3 different kinds of decay called (alpha), (beta) and (gamma). When decaying, the original nucleus (A) changes into another nucleus (B) and gives off radiation (b). Parent Daughter Radiation
9 TYPES OF RADIATION The three different kinds of radiations can be distinguished by their interactions with an electric field. -Radiations carry a positive charge and are attracted to the negative plate. β-Radiations carry a negative charge and are attracted to the positive plate. γ-Radiations carry no charge and are attracted to neither plate.
10 TYPES OF RADIATION The three different kinds of radiations have different energies and penetration abilities. α-Particles have low energy and can be blocked by a thin sheet of paper. β-Particles have moderate energy and can be blocked by a thin sheet of metal. γ-Rays have high energy and can only be blocked by a thick sheet of lead.
11 ALPHA DECAY Alpha decay occurs when a nucleus changes into another nucleus and gives off an -particle, which is a helium nucleus Note that the sum of the atomic numbers and the mass numbers on the left and the right side of the equation are equal. 90 = = Loss of alpha particle from the nucleus results in loss of 4 in mass number (A) and 2 in atomic number (Z).
12 Examples: 1. undergoes alpha decay. Write the equation for this process. 92 – 2 = – 4 =
13 Examples: 2. Write the equation for alpha decay of radium isotope 88 – 2 = – 4 =
14 BETA DECAY Beta decay occurs when a nucleus changes into another nucleus and gives off a ß-particle, which is an electron In beta decay, a neutron is transformed into a proton and an electron. The proton remains in the nucleus, while the electron is emitted as a beta particle. 6 = =
15 GAMMA DECAY Gamma decay occurs when a nucleus gives off -rays, and becomes a less energetic form of the same nucleus. More energetic Less energetic gamma radiation
16 Examples: 1. Complete the following equation for nuclear decay: γ-decay
17 Examples: 2. Complete the following equation for nuclear decay: β-decay 47 = =
18 POSITRON DECAY Certain nuclear processes can also lead to a fourth form of radiation, called a positron 17 = = positron
19 REVIEW: TYPES OF RADIATION Alpha () particle is two protons and two neutrons Beta () particle is a high-energy electron Positron ( + ) is a positive electron Gamma ( ) ray is high-energy released from a nucleus General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
20 SUMMARY OF TYPES OF RADIATION General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry
21 RADIONUCLIDES A nuclide will be radioactive if it meets any of the following criteria: 1. Its atomic number is greater than It has fewer n 0 than p + in the nucleus. 3. It has odd # of n 0 and odd # of p +.
22 Examples: Which is the radionuclide in each of the following pairs: Z > 83 n 0 < p + p + and n 0 are odd
23 SMOKE DETECTORS A practical use of radionuclides is their use in some smoke detectors. In these detectors, a radionuclide decays to form α–particles. The α–particles ionize (charge) the air particles and keep a current running through the circuit. When smoke particles interfere with the ions, current is reduced in the circuit, and a alarm goes off.
24 HALF-LIFE The half-life of a radioisotope is the time for the radiation level to decrease (decay) to one-half of the original value. General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry
25 DECAY CURVE A decay curve shows the decay of radioactive atoms and the remaining radioactive sample. General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry
26 Each half-life reduces the amount of radio- nuclide to half of the previous amount. DECAY CURVE
27 Example 1: Iodine-131 has a half-life of 8 days. What mass of a 40 g sample of iodine-131 will remain after 24 days. 40 g 1st ½ -life 20 g 2nd ½ -life 10 g 3rd ½ -life 5 g
28 Example 2: How long would it take for a sample of C-14 to decay from 20.0 g to g? (½- life of C=14 = 5730 y) ½ life g
29 NUCLEAR FISSION Fission is the process by which a large nucleus is “split” into smaller nuclei, with a large amount of energy released.
30 NUCLEAR FISSION DIAGRAM AND EQUATION General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. A nuclear bomb is an example of an uncontrolled fission, while a nuclear reactor is an example of a controlled fission.
31 CHAIN REACTION A chain reaction occurs when a critical mass of uranium undergoes fission releasing a large amount of heat and energy that produces an atomic explosion General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry
32 NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS In nuclear power plants, fission is used to produce energy control rods in the reactor absorb neutrons to slow and control the chain reactions of fission General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
33 NUCLEAR FUSION Nuclear fusion occurs at extremely high temperatures ( °C) smaller nuclei combine to form larger nuclei large amounts of energy are released this occurs continuously in the sun and stars General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry
34 NUCLEAR FUSION The sun uses fusion to produce a helium nucleus from 4 hydrogen nuclei, giving off 2 positrons and energy.