Women’s Suffrage Movement by Ms. Rolling May, 2007 Lucretia Mott Elizabeth Cady Stanton
What A convention was held to address the women’s suffrage movement. It is not necessary to title each page with the 5 w’s and an h. I am just showing that I have included all of the information.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott held this convention. Text does not have to be limited to one line as in the example
When This convention was held in 1848.
This convention was held at the Wesleyan Chapel in Seneca Falls, New York. Where
Summary Women of the past made major sacrifices to achieve the rights we have today. They picketed, marched, wrote letters, attended meetings, and some even went to jail. Their fight was long and hard but they accomplished their goals, and because of their courage the Nineteenth Amendment to the constitution was ratified giving all women the right to vote.
Reflection I thought that the women ’ s suffrage movement was important because it gave the right to vote to people who would otherwise not have had a voice in the government. Everyone should have equal rights, and I am happy that these women fought for this very important cause. You though are very important and should be no less than one page no more than two pages in length
Retrieved 5/9/07 age/carriechapmancatt. Retrieved 5/9/07 Rossi, M. People Who Changed America, Votes for Women. Canada: National Geographic's School Publishing, References A minimum of two or resources are required HAVE A GREAT TIME CREATING YOUR PRESENTATION FEEL FREE TO EXPERIMENT WITH THE PROGRAM, AND ADD GRAPICS, SOUND, ETC.