Testing & Accountability Update TAKS, EOC, & STAAR
GPISD – Stage II School Improvement Missed AYP due to the cap in SPED Reading/ELA for the 3 rd year in a row 14% points improvement without a cap 1% dropped with the cap applied Missed AYP due to the cap in SPED Math for the 2 nd year in a row 22% points improvement without a cap 3% improvement with the cap applied (needed 4%)
Stage II Consequences Notify all parents Implement the District Improvement Plan that was revised when we were in Stage I 10% of all Title I funds must be spent in staff development in areas that impact AYP Be 100% HQ or Not be able to hire any additional paraprofessionals Will be required to implement an Accountability Agreement with TEA and jointly develop a professional development program Less district Title II funds
Stage III Consequences Everything from Stage II plus : Must contract with Region IV to conduct a District Snapshot to determine most effective professional development and to select one of the following: Reduce Administrative funds for the district Fully Implement a new curriculum Replace personnel who are relevant to the failure to make AYP
After Snapshot Must share District Snapshot with the campuses Submit a summary of the results and the choice of corrective action to TEA by deadline TEA will review our summary and either approve our corrective action or require a more appropriate corrective action Share corrective action with campuses Begin implementation of corrective action upon receipt of approval from TEA and continue for the following school year
Stage III for a 3 rd year TEA can: Remove some schools from GPISD’s jurisdiction and make alternate arrangements for public governance and supervision of such schools Appoint a trustee to administer the affairs of GPISD in place of the superintendent and BOT Abolish or restructure GPISD Authorize students to transfer to other districts with us providing transportation, in conjunction with carrying out at least one of the other corrective actions
If a School goes into SIP Stage I Notify parents – must be mailed Revise CIP with outside experts Spend 10% of Title I of staff development Receive Technical Assistance from the District Incorporate a Teacher Mentoring Program District must have a peer review process and approve the revised CIP Offer School Choice with transportation Principal must attend TEA staff development
School Improvement Stage II – Add Supplemental Educational Services Stage III – Corrective Action Replace school staff who are relevant in failure to Make AYP Fully implement a new curriculum Significantly decrease management authority at the campus level Appoint an outside expert to advise the campus on its progress toward making AYP Extend the school year or school day for the campus Restructure the internal organizational structure of the campus
More School Improvement Stage IV - The LEA must prepare a plan and make necessary arrangements to carry out one of the following restructuring options if the school moves into Stage 5 in the following school year Reopen the school as a charter school, following the requirements described in the Texas Education Code Replace all or most of the school staff (which may include the principal) who are relevant to the failure to make AYP Contract for a private management company of demonstrated effectiveness to operate the public school. Turn the operation of the school over to the State Any other major restructuring of school governance arrangement that makes fundamental reforms
This is serious! We all need to be on the same page. Our students and community are counting on us!
Accountability & What do we know? State Accountability minimum size for subgroups prior to 2013: 30 & 10% or >50 Federal Accountability minimum size for subgroups prior to 2013: 50 & 10% or >200 All STAAR assessments will count towards state accountability in 2013 No exemptions from testing for any ELLs (or any other group of students) Students in grades 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11 will attend summer review courses if they have not met standard on a SSI, EOC, or Exit Level TAKS assessment. Do you realize our high schools will have review courses providing accelerated instruction for at least 10 separate EOC assessments? High schools will still have review courses for students needing to pass a TAKS Exit Level assessment.
Accountability & What do we know? cont. Students achieving the Level II score requirement are considered passers This coming January, we will receive CSRs for students who took STAAR in grades 3-8 as well as results for students who took STAAR Alt or STAAR-M in the spring of We might receive the state accountability manual as early as March We do not expect to receive the AYP accountability until June We can expect to receive accountability results on August 8 th, 2013.
Accountability & What do we think/hope? ELLs- progress monitoring will be the tool used to determine accountability for ELLs in US schools for 3 years or less This means the accuracy of Years in US Schools is VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!! AYP will use the January results for STAAR to compare the 2013 results for Safe Harbor Summer EOC retests will likely count towards state and federal accountability Getting students to attend summer review courses and testing will be very important!!!! The state will likely want to see how many students made progress towards the Level II standard
Accountability & What are we clueless about? What are we clueless about? Will 10 th grade have a TAKS-Bridge study standard? Will 10 th grade English EOC writing assessments be used for federal accountability along with the English EOC reading assessments? What EOC subjects will be used for federal accountability? What model will be used for state accountability (standards based or performance index)? Will the minimum size requirement for federal accountability change to match the state minimum size requirement?
Stay tuned! We will let you know more as we learn more! For now, we can all work on 100% of our students being successful!