Morgan County Transit Discussion UTA Corporate Staff Presentation November 19, 2013
Morgan County, Utah 2010 Population: 9,469
Source: 2012 Baseline Projections, Governor’s Office of Planning & Budget, available at Source: 2010 Census
Regional Wasatch Housing and Transportation Survey Summer 2012 (208 responses, Morgan) Source: 2012 Wasatch Housing and Transportation Survey Note: In total, 208 Morgan County residents responded to the survey
Morgan County Transportation Survey Spring 2013 (118 responses) Destinations Identified –External Destinations: Weber State University, UTA FrontRunner, UTA Park and Ride, McKay Dee Hospital, Ogden LDS Temple –Internal Destinations: Grocery Store, Library and Senior Center
Morgan County Transportation Survey Spring 2013 (118 responses) Please rank how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements about transit in Morgan County.
Morgan County Transportation Survey Spring 2011 (118 responses) Other counties in the region, like Davis County and Weber County, use a small percentage of sales tax to fund public transportation. Typically, a community starts at a one-quarter cent tax (0.25%), which would equate to $0.25 on a $100 purchase. Would you support a sales tax increase, such as the one described, to fund public transportation in Morgan County?
Proposed Solutions, July 2013
Morgan County Council
Estimated Commuter Ridership Morgan County External Trips Destination County Daily Commuter Estimate* Travel Time from Morgan, in minutes Share Applied** Ridership Via carVia transit Weber % 64 Davis Salt Lake Utah Total Estimated Ridership 150 * Commuter Estimate derived from the average estimation, by County, of 2012 Utah Household Travel Survey data and 2011 U.S. Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies **Mode share derived from Census data, based on typical mode share by commute time; available at:
Potential Sales Tax Revenue *Based on 2011 County quarter-percent revenue in the amount of $279,804 with a 20% reduction for tax on food
Potential Funding Sources FTA 5311 Grant Formula Grants for Rural Areas Purpose This program provides capital, planning, and operating assistance to states to support public transportation in rural areas with populations less than 50,000, where many residents often rely on public transit to reach their destinations. Federal Share is 80% for capital projects; 50% for operating assistance.
Route 690 South Weber Park & Ride Lot / Morgan Shuttle Service Cost Estimate and Breakdown Estimate of Hours and Miles per Weekday by Block for Route 690 Service BUS AND SERVICE TIME Weekday Hours Run by Block TOTAL HOURS PER OPERATING DAY TOTAL MILES PER OPERATING DAY TOTAL SERVICE COST PER OPERATING WEEKDAY TOTAL OPERATING DAYS PER YEAR TOTAL ANNUAL SERVICE COST FOR BUS AND SERVICE TIME AM BUS 1 4:38 AM to 6:42 AM $194251$48,741 AM BUS 2 4:58 AM to 7:02 AM $194251$48,741 PM BUS 1 4:30 PM to 6:50 PM $205251$51,346 PM BUS 2 5:00 PM to 7:25 PM $205251$51,346 TOTAL DAILY HOURS, MILES, AND SERVICE COSTS FOR MORGAN SERVICE $798251$200,175 Source: Utah Transit Authority, November 2013
Ali Oliver Community Transportation Planner x 1105