The hydrographic research during NABOS 2013 expedition Sergey Kirillov Andrey Pniushkov Ilona Goszczko Ekaterina Bloshkina John Guthrie and Igor Ashik + Vladimir Ivanov
Water sampling with Rosette carrousel L-ADCP
CTD with auxiliary sensors SBE9plus supplies Conductivity, Temperature and Depth measurements with the rate of 24 Hz. In terms of vertical resolution of profile it gives about 4 cm depth intervals. Additional auxiliary sensors: - oxygen - fluorescence - turbidity - transparency - nitrate - altimeter
Expendable Probes eXpendable CTD Profiler (XCTD) eXpendable BathyThermograph (XBT) 31 XBT and 18 XCTD were launched
St.Anna Trough St.Anna Trougth is one of the key Arctic “hot spots” where cocktail of different water masses is blended Aksenov et al. 2011
RV “Professor Molchanov”, July 11-12, 2013 RV “Akademik Fedorov”, September 18-19, 2013 St.Anna Trough
Atlantic Waters form a specific vertical stratification with temperature maximum below the polar mixed layer The typical vertical structure within the Arctic Ocean deep basin interior
81N 90E 95E 105E 110E 126E 142E Modification of FSBW and BSBW along the Eurasian continental slope
The lateral mixing induced by double-diffusive processes in the frontal areas
The changes in AWs from 1970s to 2000s AW core temperaturesAW upper boundary depth 2000s AW core temperature anomalies 1970s 2000s
The changes in AWs at 126E cross-slope transect The recent thermal state of AWs at 126E is still above an average (the core temperature anomalies are about +0.6) but warming has been ceased since ~2006 vs vs
The station lists are available in.pdf format …thank to Anna and Nastia
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