EXPEDITING JDAI Conference New Orleans November, 2006 John Rhoads
Expediting Expediting the process by the use of an expediter. Expediting the process by the use of an expediter. Expediting the court process and coming to early resolutions. Expediting the court process and coming to early resolutions.
Expediting is the art of moving cases through and in a system without sacrificing public safety or due process issues. Expediting is the art of moving cases through and in a system without sacrificing public safety or due process issues. An expediter is a position developed to follow cases in detention and make sure that there is no unnecessary delays. An expediter is a position developed to follow cases in detention and make sure that there is no unnecessary delays.
What does it take to be an expediter Independent Independent Strong willed Strong willed Committed to detention reform Committed to detention reform Creative Creative Knowledgeable Knowledgeable
Expediters They should be located close to the clients they They should be located close to the clients they serve serve They must develop systems to analyze their effectiveness They must develop systems to analyze their effectiveness They must share their detention alternative data such as risk scores, average daily populations, lengths of stay, failure rates, and failures to appear with all stakeholders They must share their detention alternative data such as risk scores, average daily populations, lengths of stay, failure rates, and failures to appear with all stakeholders They should work for the Presiding Juvenile Court Judge, the Probation Administrator, or both depending on your system They should work for the Presiding Juvenile Court Judge, the Probation Administrator, or both depending on your system All data and decision points should be tracked by gender and race All data and decision points should be tracked by gender and race
Daily Duties of Santa Cruz Expediter Review the juvenile hall roster Review the juvenile hall roster Facilitate releases from juvenile hall and the court Facilitate releases from juvenile hall and the court Follow up with agencies, counties, probation officers, and families Follow up with agencies, counties, probation officers, and families Write up a case plan for each HS/EM referral Write up a case plan for each HS/EM referral Check with intake supervisor about possible releases Check with intake supervisor about possible releases
Check on any relevant issues with new intakes Check on any relevant issues with new intakes Contact CBO about any new HS/EM release Contact CBO about any new HS/EM release Coordinate plans for daily home visits Coordinate plans for daily home visits Assist in the calendaring and writing of violations Assist in the calendaring and writing of violations Coordinate all in custody transports Coordinate all in custody transports Once a week check all risk scores for correctness Once a week check all risk scores for correctness Follow up on court status of each detainee Follow up on court status of each detainee If any changes arrange staffing with minor’s PO If any changes arrange staffing with minor’s PO