World Bank Institute Caby Verzosa Decisions, Action, Results (DARE) Programme The Basics of Strategic Communication
The Basics of Strategic Communication Part 1. What is strategic communication? Part 2. What can strategic communication do for programs and policy reforms? Part 3. “What’s in it for me?” (WIIFM?)
Learning Objectives By the end of this session, you will be able to: Describe key principles of Strategic Communication Apply five management decisions that frame an effective communication strategy
Part 1. What is strategic communication?
Strategic Communication is the development of programs designed to influence the voluntary behavior of stakeholders/target audiences to achieve management objectives. Communication: the process by which people use messages (symbols) to create and transmit meaning to other people.
Observing Judging Acting
How can I communicate more effectively? By listening carefully.
LISTENING is critical
CHANNELSMESSAGE BEHAVIOR EVALUATION OBJECTIVES AUDIENCE ELEMENTS OF STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION Influence the voluntary behavior of target audiences to achieve management objectives How we communicate. How we improve.
Strategic Communication Plan 1. Objectives 2. Audience(s) 3. Behavior(s) 4. Messages 5. Channels 6. Evaluation Design CHANNELSMESSAGE BEHAVIOR EVALUATION OBJECTIVES AUDIENCE
How do I make all these decisions?
Listen Plan Test Execute Conversations Observation In-depth interviews Polling Objectives, Audiences, Behavior, Messages, Channels, Evaluation. Try it out Prototyping Pilot Tests Reactions Process Evaluation Impact Evaluation CHANNELS MESSAGE BEHAVIOR EVALUATION OBJECTIVES AUDIENCE
Communication Management Decisions Management Objective: AUDIENCEBEHAVIOR MESSAGE CHANNELSEVALUATION Take-away Message Supporting Data
All MESSAGES are about……….. Behavior Stated Implied Please complete this form. Your boss is coming. Did you know it is raining? The gov’t policy is to do it first, but a lot of folks don’t do it at all. All MESSAGES are delivered through channels 2.I think I have found a solution for you. 1. This is what you need to do.
Part 2. What can strategic communication do for programs and policy reforms?
Hmmm… What can strategic communication do for programs, policy reforms?
What Can Strategic Communication Do? list Reveal clients’ perceptions Reveal political, social and cultural realities Disseminate new information Correct rumors Reframe a problem Teach skills Build consensus and reach durable agreements among stakeholders Activate constituencies Increase use of a new service Foster compliance with new laws or procedures Engage stakeholders Create social ownership Generate broad-based public support
Plenary In what ways were you surprised as you thought about what strategic communication can do? What new items did you add to the list?
Part 3. What’s in it for me? (WIIFM?)
What helps a person adopt a behavior? Is knowledge enough? Does fear work?
Benefits People Care About Recognition Pleasure Health Vitality Saving money Independence Control Achievement Adventure Security Positive self-image Social acceptance Comfort Freedom Peace of mind Laughter
OUR benefit may not be THEIR benefit
Linking your message to what audience members want If you give the baby the breast within the first hour of life… ….you ___________ If you approve this policy…. ….you ___________
Applying 3 powerful behavioral determinants 1.If I do the behavior, I get something I want Perceived consequences 2.I can do the behavior without much effort Skills, self-efficacy, lower barriers 3.Other people, whose opinions matter to me, think I should do the behavior Perceived social norms = FUN! = EASY! = POPULAR!
Your messages will… Maximize the benefits that people care about Minimize the barriers that they struggle with Barriers Benefits
What are the key features of communication that works? Tailored strategies to target audiences Promoted specific behavior Delivered clear message or offering Addressed benefits - WIIFM - or barriers that mattered Integrated strategic communication with other interventions