WG-CSAB Update Fall 2010 COPC Meeting (FNMOC – Monterey, CA) Allan Darling WG-CSAB Chair
2 Overview WG-CSAB membership Action Item Overview Backup NWSTG CONOPS Other CSAB Actions CSAB Roles
3 WG-CSAB Membership * New member NCEP Representative Mr. Allan Darling (Chair) AFWA RepresentativeDr. John Zapotocny FNMOC RepresentativeMr. Jim Vermeulen NAVO RepresentativeMr. George Mason NESDIS RepresentativeMs. Selina Nauman NWS/TOC RepresentativeMr. Walter Smith OFCM Executive SecretaryMr. Ken Barnett JAG/ODAA Co-chairMr. Jim Vermeulen (FNMOC) JAG/ODAA Co-chairDr. Bradley Ballish (NCEP) JAG/CCM ChairVacant JAG/OCM ChairMr. Evan Kuchera (AFWA) NUOPC LiasonMr. Dave McCarren
4 DRAFT COPC Action Item Overview Twelve action items from the COPC meeting Five remain open: , 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and 2.8 Seven recommended for closure: , 2.3, 2.7, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11 and 2.12 Nine action items from prior COPC meetings Four remain open: , , and Five recommended for closure: , , , and COPC Action Items Status is included in the reference materials COPC Action Items not briefed elsewhere follow: , , , , , , ,
5 WENet Implementation Plan COPC Action Item : Each operational processing center will develop a detailed implementation plan to achieve connection to the COPC Weather Enterprise Network (WE-Net) gateways to meet current data exchange requirements. Plans will include connectivity details, information assurance requirements, transition details and implementation schedule. History of DISA engagement provided by Chris F. CSAB recommends this action remain open
6 WENet Cost Sharing COPC Action Item : Deliver a draft Annex to the DAPE MOA to establish a cost sharing mechanism for the COPC Weather Enterprise Network. Weather Enterprise network gateway(s), still under development by DISA, is the principle cost driver Work on this AI cannot begin until cost and location of gateway(s) is determined CSAB recommends this action remain open
7 WENet Requirements Letter COPC Action Item : Provide a draft letter to be sent from COPC to NOPC (with courtesy copy to member organizations) stating the requirement for the COPC Weather Enterprise Network and citing data exchange requirements, current and future capabilities the network will support, and resources required for implementation. NOAA plan to modify network architecture to support WENet connection is established an being executed (AI ) DoD is fully engaged to support a WENet gateway CSAB recommends this action be closed CSAB recommends an action to draft a letter for NOPC or COPC to send to DISA stating the WENet requirement
8 title COPC Action Item : Deliver a draft Annex to the DAPE MOA to establish a cost sharing mechanism for the COPC Weather Enterprise Network. Weather Enterprise network gateway(s), still under development by DISA, is the principle cost driver Work on this AI cannot begin until cost and location of gateway(s) is determined CSAB recommends this action remain open / be closed
9 Data Workshop Plan COPC Action Item : Provide National Operational Processing Center Observational Data Workshop scope, deliverables, date and location for COPC Directors’ approval. Support requirements from each OPC OPC overview presenters Panelist for 1 st morning session Lead for one breakout session Support requirement for workshop Lead presenter, introductions, panel leader Workshop support Cite OFCM support CSAB recommends this action remain open / be closed
10 Data Workshop Execution COPC Action Item : Convene an invitation-only “Data Summit” of DoD and Federal Agency data users to discuss and exchange information about new data sources, quality issues, station metadata standards and consistency, and other issues related to the exchange and use of conventional and satellite data. Pending closure of CSAB recommends this action remain open
11 FNMOC Ensemble Delivery via NOMADS COPC Action Item : Brief requirements and design for delivering FNMOC Ensemble members via NOMADS. If requirements are resource neutral, implement as soon as possible after briefing. FNMOC, TOC, NCEP coordinated operational delivery of FNMOC Ensembles to NWS/NCEP – April-September 2010 FNMOC Ensemble products available via NOMADS in January 2011 CSAB recommends this action be closed
12 HPCC Best Practices COPC Action Item : Coordinate at least one face-to-face meeting between OPC high performance computing and communications (HPCC) system experts and senior staff to exchange best practices, tools, and processes related to HPCC management, software engineering, and software (model) implementation. TBD – include in this brief or in stand-alone briefing? CSAB recommends this action be closed
13 NUOPC Annex to DAPE MOA COPC Action Item : Develop and submit to COPC for approval a Unified Multi-Model Ensemble Operations annex to the DAPE MOA to address NAEFS and/or NUOPC operations management, alignment of performance requirements, change management, and data dissemination. Navy requests a different strategy. Working groups under COPC do not have the necessary membership to address the issues involved in the NUE management. NUOPC will establish the Unified Operations Committee to address issues and report regularly to OPC Directors. CSAB recommends this action be closed
14 Backup NWSTG CONOPS COPC Action Item : The CSAB shall request from the NWS TOC the NWS Backup Telecommunication Gateway (BTG) CONOPS document to include a description of the data flows as it relates to COPC TOC sustainment plan Sustain current capability through 2014 through requirements revalidation and hardware refresh Redesign system and implement replacement in GOES-R requirements NextGen requirements Full backup capability COPC data flows moving to new NOAA network architecture CSAB recommends this action be closed
15 CSAB Roles JAG/CCM Changes Chris Finnigsmier (AFWA) is the interim JAG/CCM chair through Spring COPC COPC needs to assign a new JAG/CCM chair at Spring COPC Three other chairs approaching three year mark
16 CSAB Roles COPC may wish to discuss tenure of chairs for CSAB and JAGs CSAB 1994 James G. Howcroft (NMC) 1995 Donald Caviness (AFWA) 2000 Carl Thormeyer (FNMOC) 2005–2008 (Sept) Dr. John Zapotocny (AFWA) 2008 (Oct) CDR Mark Moran (NCEP) 2008 (Nov)–present Allan Darling (NCEP) JAG/ODAA 2005–2007 Mike Matson (NESDIS) [Satellite] 2005–2008 CoChair Jon Whiteside (AFWA) [Conventional] 2007–2008 CoChair Gary Petti (NESDIS) [Satellite] 2008 (Jun)–present CoChair Jim Vermeulen (FNMOC) [Satellite] 2008 (Oct)–present CoChair Brad Ballish (NCEP) [Conventional] JAG/OCM 2005–2009 Dr. Nelson Seaman (NCEP) 2009 (May)–present Evan Kurchera (AFWA)
18 Coordinating Structure Federal Committee for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research (FCMSSR) National Operational Processing Centers (NOPC) Program Council Committee for Operational Processing Centers (COPC) Working Group for Cooperative Support and Backup (WG/CSAB) Joint Action Group for Operational Community Modeling (JAG/OCM) Joint Action Group for Centralized Communications Management (JAG/CCM) Joint Action Group for Operational Data Acquisition for Assimilation (JAG/ODAA) Federal Coordinator for Meteorology