LOBES OF THE BRAIN Frontal, Parietal, Occipital and Temporal
Corpus Callosum
Location Corpus Callosum
Function: Corpus Callosum l A band of nerve fibers that divide the brain into right and left hemispheres & tranfers information l Split Brain?
Frontal Lobe- Location Frontal Lobe
Prefrontal Cortex - Function lLlLobe responsible for thought processes involving emotion & intuition. lClCase of Phineas Gage lClCase of Kristina Buffy
Location- Motor Cortex
Motor Cortex- Function l Processes the information for voluntary muscle movement. l Works top down and on opposite sides of the body.
l it/brain/# it/brain/#
Broca’s Area ( Speech Center) l Responsible for speech production l Controls muscles necessary to produce words
The Parietal Lobe Parietal Lobe
The Somatosensory Cortex-Location
The Somatosensory Cortex-Function
Somatosensory Cortex- Function lPlProcesses sensory information from the touch receptors in the body. lHlHeat, Pain, Cold, Sense of Touch
The Occipital Lobe- Location Occipital Lobe
The Visual Cortex- Function l Process sight information. l You can be “blind” with 20/20 vision l Visual Function
The Temporal Lobe- Location Temporal Lobe
The Auditory Area l Located at the top of the Temporal Lobe. l The purpose is to pattern incoming sound vibrations.
Wernickes Area l Interprets spoken word (auditory cortex) l Functions in conjunction with Broca’s area ( motor cortex)
The Auditory Area- Location
The Brain- 3D l The Secret Life of the Brain : 3- D Brain Anatomy The Secret Life of the Brain : 3- D Brain Anatomy