VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria The Zvenigorod astronomical plate collection: Present in the Wide-Field Plate DataBase Sergei V. Vereshchagin 1, Natalia V. Chupina 1, Valery P. Osipenko 1, Olga B. Dluzhnevskaya 1 and Milcho K. Tsvetkov 2 1 Institute of Astronomy, RAS 2 Institute of Astronomy, BAS
VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria The Zvenigorod Observatory was built in 1958 is located near Zvenigorod of Moscow region, Russia East longitude: 36° 45.5' latitude: 55° 41.9' altitude: 198 m The primary goal: monitoring of artificial objects and objects of solar system Zvenigorod observatory. Photo in 1970
VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria Astrograph Zeiss-400 Clear aperture: 0.40 m Focal length: 2.00 m Scale: 103 "/mm Field size: 8° x 8° Plate size: 30 x 30 cm
VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria The astrograph collection From 1972 to 2004 about 4500 astro negatives was obtained. Figure from WFPDB: the all-sky distribution of the astrograph plate centers in the equatorial coordinates (J2000)
VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria The FON program FON program is near 50% of all collection. FON is the Photographic Survey of the Sky. It was carried out with 1980 to 1992 for FOKAT catalogue creation. Completeness up to 16.5 m. It covered the sky region between -2° to +90°. Neighbor plates overlap each other on 50%. Usual each plate has two exposures with small shift of a telescope between them: first is 30 minutes and second is 1-2 minutes. The Andromeda galaxy and h and hi Persei open cluster pictures received by astrograph
VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria Asteroids Near 30% of a photograph collection. It is the subprogram of Photographic observation of 15 selected asteroids. The program goal: position specification of a point of a spring equinox. Three exposure with camera shift on declination in the range of time between exposures (usually a few minutes) were carried out. Thus the sequence of images of a minor planet is inclined in relation to a stars images sequence and it is easy for finding out on a negative. The astrograph plate fragments with asteroid
VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria Comets For the exact coordinates definition carried out multi exposures from 5 to 6 minutes. Observations for studying of the comet tail and different formations in it (separations, condensations, turbulences) with exposure 1 hour and more were carried out. The plate was guided so that the tail settled down on its diagonal, and the star on which guided a telescope was at the comet head and was displaced from the plate centre. So it was possible to receive the tail image with length up to 7° (25 sm). The comet of Hyakutake B2 passes on the shortest distance from the World Pole (4 degrees) and Wild comet 8% of all collection. Comets: Krommelin, Wild, Tempel 1, Kohoutek, Halley, Hyakutake, Hale-Bopp, Machholz, Fukuda, Jkeya-Zhang, Giacobini-Zinner
VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria Other programs - Radio sources identified with optical sources (8%). Drawing up of the catalogue of basic stars around of 190 radio sources. - The Pluton observations (3%). Program was carried out by V.P. Osipenko for orbit specification. - The Mars observations (3%) in 1988 have supplied the flying of "Phobos" to this planet.
VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria Digitization We scan the plates by EPSON 1640 XL scanner. Structure of electronic archive: 1. Work scans (FITS, 700Mb). 2. Preview scans with author remarks on the plate surface (JPG – 3Mb, TIF - 600Mb). 3. Original archives - scanned pages from the log-books (JPG). 4. Catalogues in the WFPDB-format (in a computer readable form, ASCII).
VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria The access to archive on the INASAN server The archive is described on the server of Institute of Astronomy. Also there plates search on coordinates and date is organized.
VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria Present in the WFPDB List of our plates can be see in the WFPDB by search the obser- vatory identifier (ZVN).
VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria WFPDB: details for archive Click on instrument identifier to receive the full information on its archive.
VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria WFPDB: details for plate Click on “more” button at the plate number to receive the full infor- mation on this plate
VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria WFPDB: original log-book The log-book can be seen in a database too. Each plate has the reference to correspon- ding record in digitized log-book.
VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference, 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria Thank you