(Click to advance to next slide throughout this presentation) WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NURSING | GRADUATE PROGRAMS E*Value Training for Faculty
Topics In This Training What is E*Value? What is E*Value? How do Faculty Use E*Value? How do Faculty Use E*Value? Time Tracking Time Tracking How to Review and Sign off on Students’ time tracking logs How to Review and Sign off on Students’ time tracking logs PxDx PxDx How to Review and Sign off on Students’ PxDx logs How to Review and Sign off on Students’ PxDx logs Evaluations Evaluations How to Complete an Evaluation How to Complete an Evaluation Reporting Reporting Faculty and Student Trainings Faculty and Student Trainings Student Training Outline Student Training Outline Where to go for Help Where to go for Help (Click on any topic to go directly to the slide)
What is E*Value? E*Value is a web-based software package that is used to manage data associated with clinical placement which includes: affiliation agreements clinical site information rotation requests and scheduling student/faculty/staff/preceptor biographic information student clinical documentation evaluations associated with clinical rotations Back to Menu
Faculty primarily use E*Value for: Supervision and Assessment of Student Clinical Activities Time Tracking PxDx Evaluations Students Sites Assessment Reports for Clinical Faculty Reports for Directors and Coordinators Back to Menu
Time Tracking Time tracking tracks student completion of required hours for each rotation. Administration has specified that they do not want preceptors to receive notifications or to be responsible to verify hours, because they already do so much for our students without compensation. There are some challenges in having faculty monitor and confirm time tracking entries on behalf of a preceptor: Only one person can be selected by the student as ‘supervisor’ for their time tracking entries. The supervisor selected must be the preceptor in order to track preceptor time for verification of preceptor hours which preceptors use for recertification purposes. Automated reminder notifications have been turned off so that preceptors will not receive notifications. Faculty will need to signoff on behalf of the preceptors, but will not receive reminders to do so. Back to Menu
How to review and confirm(sign off) student time tracking entries Faculty must select/view the entries as the preceptor, so it is important to know the students preceptor names for each rotation While reviewing/confirming student time tracking logs and completion of hours, it is important to make sure that the breakdown of hours falls as it should under each rotation. Students often log hours to the wrong site, leaving them with too few hours for a rotation and too many for another. This is a simple mistake to make. While making their entry, if they select the wrong rotation, preceptor or course, their entry/hours can easily recorded incorrectly. When this happens, it appears as though the student hasn’t met clinical course hour requirements for graduation, when the hours have just been assigned to the wrong rotation, preceptor, or site. At the end of the semester, all student time tracking records must align with clinical hour requirements for each rotation. Back to Menu
Time Tracking How to review and confirm/sign off student time tracking entries Click “Supervision” Back to Menu
Time Tracking How to review and confirm/sign off student time tracking entries Select Student Verify Hours here Review Entries Back to Menu
PxDx PxDx tracks student clinical experiences-diagnoses, procedures, patient demographics ICD 9 and ICD 10 codes Currently, ICD 9 codes are listed in PxDx for students to choose from. There are over 13,000 ICD 9 codes. Because the entire list was so large and difficult for students to find what they needed, the list was redacted to more frequently used choices about 2 ½ years ago. There are still challenges with having the correct codes available for students to choose from when making PxDx entries. ICD 10 is slated to be implemented in October There are 68,000 ICD 10 codes. We will again need to redact this list down to a more manageable list of ICD 10 codes frequently used by students. Sandy Carollo is putting together a focus group to help determine what this list will consist of for FNP program. We have asked Anne Mason for the same in developing an appropriate ICD 10 list for Psych NP students. From there, ICD 10 codes will be customized in the EValue system based upon faculty recommendations. Back to Menu
How to Review and Confirm (sign off) Student PxDx Entries Click “Sign Off” Students select their clinical faculty as the supervisor, and faculty will receive notifications every 14 days regarding student PxDx entries pending review/confirmation From your E*Value Home Page: Back to Menu
PxDx How to review and confirm/sign off student PxDx entries Complete template info and select “Next” Back to Menu
PxDx How to review and confirm/sign off student PxDx entries Review Data and Select “Confirm”, “Reject” or “Hold” individually or all at once Back to Menu
Evaluations DUAL PROFILES FOR EVALUATIONS When acting as both preceptor and faculty, it is best practice to create a dual profile: One for preceptor and one for faculty TThe dual profile ensures all of the proper evaluations go out to the right people at the right time. LLynn can create a dual profile for faculty who have both preceptor and faculty roles FFor those concerned about remembering two log in codes, you can use same password for both if desired and vary user name only slightly, ie. SueJordanF and SueJordanP. Just needs to have one character be different. Back to Menu
CHANGES TO EVALUATIONS/SETTINGS SStudent of site evaluation has been eliminated (not an accreditation requirement) TTiming of release of evaluations has been changed based on faculty/track coordinator and DNP Director feedback: Preceptor of student/student of preceptor evaluations WWill go out 14 days before the end of the rotation Faculty of Student Evaluation TTwo faculty of student evaluations are generated for NURS546/548 for Psych and NURS567 for FNP The 1 st eval goes out 7 days after the start of the rotation The 2 nd eval goes out 7 days before the end of the rotation All other Psych and FNP courses require just one evaluation, which will be sent out 7 days after the start of the rotation IMPORTANT NOTE: Per Sandy, if a student has a very short rotation in a course that has two required evaluations, the second evaluation can be suspended. For example, a student taking NURS567 with a 45 hour rotation in an elder care site might complete the rotation in two weeks, and only one evaluation is needed. (Evaluations, continued)
Changes to Evaluations/Settings, continued Faculty of site Evaluation This evaluation is released 10 days after the rotation start date Per Darryl, faculty of site evals are a once a year requirement per site, not a once a semester requirement. If the site where a student is placed has been evaluated in the last year, a site evaluation does not need to be done. E*Value doesn’t have the functionality to send site evaluations out only for sites that have not been evaluated in the last year. Workaround will be: At start of each semester, Lynn will review site visits completed in the last year Let faculty know which sites for scheduled rotations that have not been done in last year, and must be completed, and which ones do not need to be done Faculty need to suspend all site evaluations that don’t need to be done. EValue doesn’t allow for them to be suspended until they’ve been released, so we unfortunately cannot suspend them in advance. Once faculty suspend the site eval, we can delete them. Back to Menu
Completing an Evaluation When an evaluation is due, you will receive an notice that looks like this. Click anywhere in this link to go to the E*Value screen with access to the evaluation Note that there is also a handy link in case you have forgotten your login or password! Back to Menu
Completing an evaluation, continued To complete an evaluation, click here Back to Menu
Completing an evaluaton, continued The evaluation form will look something like this (depending upon the type of evaluation) Back to Menu
Suspending an Evaluation To suspend an evaluation, click here Back to Menu
Suspending an evaluation, continued You can either click yes or no to the default reason for suspension… …or you can fill in a different reason and submit. Back to Menu
Reporting Reports for clinical faculty to assess student learning progress Every semester, Lynn will be sending mid term and end term aggregate reports to clinical faculty for the students they are assigned, outlining their time tracking, PxDx, and evaluation status. Reports for track coordinators and DNP Director to assess completion of faculty requirements Compliance reports will also be generated to DNP Director and Track Coordinators each semester with information on faculty completion of site visits, time tracking/PxDx review and sign off, and completion of evaluations. Back to Menu
E*Value Trainings Faculty Training PowerPoint training will be posted to the Faculty E*Value home page for future reference. Student Trainings Three power point trainings have been developed to provide information that students need to know about E*Value and the clinical placement process. Each training has a recommended timeline to be viewed by the student, and content for each training is dependent on student E*Value functionality that they will need in the upcoming semester. PowerPoint trainings will be posted to the student E*value home page and other WSU CON webpages. Back to Menu
Student Training Outline Student Viewing TimelineTraining titleTopics Covered Upon admission Training 1 ‘The Basics’ WSU Systems WSU will only send s to student via their WSU account o Forwarding WSU s to commonly used accounts Logging into EValue Entering biographic info in EValue Entering Passport Information into EValue (including document upload) Biographic data entry and passport completion due by start of Year 1 Content in next training Who to ask for help Year 1, Semester 2 (spring)Training 2 Updating biographic fields and passport items Review of passport requirements Viewing site specific information (including onboarding requirements) Using the mapping tool to identify appropriate clinical sites to request Submitting rotation site requests in E*Value View tutorial on submitting site requests Content in next training Who to ask for help Year 1, Semester 3 (Summer)Training 3 Onboarding/credentialing at clinical sites Site placement and confirmation form Submission of rotation schedule dates form Required student documentation of clinical experiences in E*Value o Time Tracking o PxDx o Evaluations Communication with clinical faculty about/during clinical placements Who to ask for help Back to Menu
Need E*Value Assistance? Contact:Lynn Turner Student Data Coordinator SNRS Room 155 Office Phone: Cell Phone: Need Assistance with Passport Items in Spokane? Contact:Rychelle Wagner Program Assistant, Graduate Program SNRS Room 130 Office Phone: Fax: Need Assistance with Passport Items in Vancouver? Contact:Susan Shaw Office Support Supervisor VLIB 210 Office Phone: Fax: HELP ! Need Assistance with Clinical Placements in Spokane or Tri-Cities? Contact:Joanie Christian, RN Clinical Placement Coordinator, SNRS Room 226C Office Phone: Cell Phone: Need Assistance with Clinical Placements in Vancouver? Contact:Katie Larson Clinical Placement Coordinator, VLIB Room 210 Y Office Phone: Back to Menu