Chapter 3 Cement
3.2.3 Technical Properties of Portland Cement Fineness Setting Time Soundness of the Portland Cement Strength Other properties
Other Properties Density – g/cm 3, commonly 3.1g/cm 3 Bulk Density – kg/m 3 Density of long-kept cement decreases a little. Free CaO combines with H 2 O, CO 2 in the air to form Ca(OH) 2 and CaCO 3 with low density.
Alkali Content Alkali content which is donated by calculated value of Na 2 O+0.658K 2 O avoids alkali- aggregate reaction. Alkali content of low alkali cement ≯ 0.6% , or treat between supply and requisitioning parties.
Most hydration heat is given out at the initial period of hydration and its quantity depends on chemical compound and fineness of cement, mineral admixture and intrusion aid. The higher C 3 S, C 3 A, the finer the particle, the bigger hydration heat, the more advantageous to the construction in winter, but more harmful for mass concrete Hydration Heat