Day of the Dead El Dia de los Muertos Created by Jordan Murphy
What’s Included?! Reading & Comprehension & Question Activity: learn about Dia de los Muertos or Day of the Dead Create a skull activity page Predesigned skull coloring activity “In Memory”: writing assignment differentiated for two different levels This free resource was created entirely by Jordan Murphy, except where I cited another design blog, I thought it was too great not to share, so I will not take credit, nor will I sell this item because of it! I hope you can enjoy teaching about a lesser known cultural holiday to your students! There are many amazing skull designs if you search the web before letting your kids create their own! Thanks for checking it out, let me know if I can change anything to improve the quality of this product!
What is the Day of the Dead? Name ________________________ Date _______________ The Day of the Dead (El Dia de los Muertos )is celebrated on November 1 st and 2 nd in the Mexican culture ( a group of people with same beliefs). The days celebrate and remember ancestors (people who have died in our families) and close friends. It is not a sad occasion! The people instead decorate a memorial altar (a special table in the home or community) with offerings called ofrendas like decorated skulls, or other gifts of favorite foods and drinks, and marigolds (an orange flower). There are even parties in cemeteries and special sweets like sugar skulls and bread, pan de muerto, to buy in the streets! 1.What culture typically celebrates Day of the Dead? _________________________________ 2.Dia de los Muertos is celebrated on… ________________________________________________ 3.Who is remembered? _____________________________ 4.Where do families put ofrendas to remember those who have died? ______________________________________ 5.. Circle one. Day of the Dead is the same as Halloween. True False
Create a Memorial Skull Decorate the skull with designs, color it, and decorate it if you wish with beads, candy, or other items to remember a loved one.
This is a skull I found on Blog.SpoonGraphics tutorial to create this skull design on Adobe Illustrator. I wish I had Adobe Illustration to make something this incredible! Visit the website at the following link: to-create-a-detailed-vector-sugar-skull-illustration to-create-a-detailed-vector-sugar-skull-illustration
In Memory Name __________________________ Who is a family member or friend that you have lost whom you would honor on the Day of the Dead? _________________________________ To honor my ________________ I would put these things on the altar. ____________ because ______________________________
In Memory Name ____________________________ Who would you honor on the Day of the Dead? I would honor _________________________________ Draw pictures of what you would put on the altar to remember and celebrate your loved one Think of his or her favorite foods, activities, games, or imagine what they might like