Instructor: Ms. Marconi
Welcome to Public Speaking!
Ms. Marconi
Experience Currently in my 9 th year as an English teacher Taught for 3 years at Walther Lutheran High School in Melrose Park Taught for 3 years at St. Edward CC High School in Elgin In my third year at D-C Have taught: Freshman-Senior English, Public Speaking, Journalism, Creative Writing, Film Criticism, World Literature, American Literature, and British Literature. Coached Sophomore Girls’ Basketball Advisor to the school literary magazine, newspaper, and yearbook Sponsor of student counsel Member of NCTE, IATE, and Kappa Delta Pi Freshman Team Leader Member of the Curriculum Committee Shakespeare Organizer
Education High School: Maine West in Des Plaines Bachelor’s Degree: Elmhurst College, Bachelor of Arts in English with a Secondary Education Minor Master’s Degree: Elmhurst College, Master of Arts in English Studies with a concentration on Shakespeare and Renaissance literature and culture Master’s Degree: Concordia University, Master of Science in Educational Technology—currently pursuing this degree
Five Facts About Me.... I am related to the man who invented the radio: Guglielmo Marconi (He was my great-grandfather’s cousin) Guglielmo Marconi I am an avid reader and writer—Shakespeare is my favorite author of all timeShakespeare Family is very important to me—I have a three-year old daughter and a 7 month old puppydaughterpuppy I absolutely love being a teacherteacher I am a technology lover as well (See all the hyperlinks above)
This Course
Public Speaking Syllabus (Long and boring—but VITAL information) Syllabus Please take FIVE minutes to read through your copy of the syllabus and then we will go through and discuss this. Text books—distributed. We will cover several chapters in this book. The units will be followed by open-note quizzes! Class WIKI—Please refer to this often—it will be your best source for up-to-date information and helpful course resources. Plus, there may be extra credit opportunities posted here throughout the term. Class WIKI
Essential Question: Who are we and where are we going this term?
Just The “FACTS”..... You will have a few minutes to write down FIVE things you have done in your life. But there is a catch- THREE must be TRUE –that you have really done TWO must be FALSE –things you make up You will present these facts to the class and we will try to identify the facts and the fiction Remember—every good fib has a bit of truth to it— don’t make your false statements blatantly false I.E. “Every winter I travel to the North Pole to supervise the creation of millions of toys in my workshop.”
Ms. Marconi’s FIVE “EVENTS” I have traveled to London to further study William Shakespeare. I once flew over Great America in a small airplane. It was nighttime and the park was brilliantly lit up. My brother once threw a dead catfish at me in Michigan. I have begun writing a screenplay about high school teachers. I was once in a rock band called Pseudopod—I played guitar.
YOUR TURN……. Please spend a few moments jotting down your “events”. Remember to keep them realistic and interesting! When done, sit tight.
First official speech in this class!
Narrative Speech Assignment A narrative speech tells a story. You will chose one of your events and create a speech about it. This is for me to see where your baseline speaking skills are and will be graded for participation. GOALS: Have an introduction to your story. Tell your story. Have a conclusion. Speak for 1:30-3:00 minutes.
Narrative Speech Example Flying over Great America in a Small Airplane Dead Catfish Throw OR Being in a Band Named Pseudopod
Due Date / Worth Your narrative speeches are due TOMORROW! Worth 30 points! Again this is for me to see where your skills are so we can move forward from that point. HAVE FUN with this!!