School and school subjects


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Presentation transcript:

School and school subjects

The School The school has doors that open wide, And friendly teachers wait inside. Hurry, hurry let’s go in. For soon the lessons will begin, Book and pencils I shall need When I start to write and read. Lots to learn and lots to do I like to go to school, don’t you?

The School The school has doors that open wide, And friendly teachers wait inside. Hurry, hurry let’s go in. For soon the lessons will begin, Book and pencils I shall need When I start to write and read. Lots to learn and lots to do I like to go to school, don’t you?

Craft Science English Art German Music Ukrainian Physical Training Computer Studies Craft Science Mathematics English Art German

8:30 o’clock five lessons subjects have Sunday Сomplete the sentences School starts at ___ _________. We go to school ____ days a week. We have 5-6 _________ a day. We have main __________ : Russian, Mathematics, History, Biology and English. We also _____ Music, Art, Information Technology, Physical Education . We don’t have lessons on ________ . 8:30 o’clock five lessons subjects have Sunday

New Vocabulary composition – твір сonversation – розмова literature – література culture - культура difficult - важкий

True or False 1. Ukrainian is one of the school subject the boy likes the best. 2. Their English teacher trains them in good pronunciation. 3. Their teacher teaches them to write articles. 4. The boy likes reading texts very much. 5. He thinks that spelling is the most difficult point in learning foreign languages. 6. This year they have started to make first steps in composition and discussion. 7. He is interested in visiting some Ukrainian cities. 8. The boy hopes to use English in his future job.

Fill in with the missing word according to the text: Our English teacher trains us in good … pronunciation, reading, listening and speaking. 2. She teaches us to take … Interviews and sport conversations. 3. Spelling is the most … difficult point in learning English. 4. This year we have started to make first steps in… composition and discussion. 5. I’m lucky to have an American… pen pal. 6. I’m interested in visiting … some English-speaking countries. 7. I’m fond of American and English… Literature and culture.

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Preposition Put the words into the correct columns Learn, poem, with, difficult, happily, about, study, quickly, draw, composition, important, popular, at, easily, conversation. Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Preposition poem learn difficult happily with important composition study quickly about popular draw easily at conversation

Home task: Complete the table with the verbs WB Ex.1, p. 21 * Make a conversation about your favourite subjects using NV.

Good bye!