NBWA Project Update Watershed Council April 27, 2011 Recently funded Projects Recently funded Projects Projects proposed in 2011 Projects proposed in.


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Presentation transcript:

NBWA Project Update Watershed Council April 27, 2011 Recently funded Projects Recently funded Projects Projects proposed in 2011 Projects proposed in 2011

Recently Funded Projects Projects 2010 Projects

Projects Watershed Signs$ 16 k Watershed Signs$ 16 k Salmonid Monitoring$ 34 k Salmonid Monitoring$ 34 k Laterals (~$140 k Marin WWT) 12.5 k Laterals (~$140 k Marin WWT) 12.5 k STRAW$ 15 k STRAW$ 15 k Perf. Measures/Indicators $ 43 k Perf. Measures/Indicators $ 43 k Water Conservation-SCWA$ 25 k Water Conservation-SCWA$ 25 k Fact Sheet$ 12.5 k Fact Sheet$ 12.5 k Workshop-SW & WWT$ 1.8 k Workshop-SW & WWT$ 1.8 k Climate Change/Watersheds$ 50 k Climate Change/Watersheds$ 50 k

2010 Projects SSCRCD-$25k-Slow it, Spread it, Sink it SSCRCD-$25k-Slow it, Spread it, Sink it City of Sonoma-$5k-Rain garden City of Sonoma-$5k-Rain garden FOCMS--$5 k- Multimedia FOCMS--$5 k- Multimedia Education/ Restoration Education/ Restoration -TBI-STRAW $ 15k - Napa-SLEW $ 15k - SEC-ELI $ 15k BAIRWMP $10 k-planning match BAIRWMP $10 k-planning match

Proposed Projects ) Aquatic Invasive Species Workshop-$2k 2) Sea Level Rise-Pilot $44 k (WQTC lead) 3) STRAW- 3 counties-$35k 4) SSCRCD, MCSTOPPP, Napa RCD - ~ $ 43 k for follow up on Slow it, Spread it, Sink it 5) Repeat -Education/ Restoration- $45k- Marin, Napa, Sonoma 6) Storm water- (WQTC lead) - Early Monitoring Plan for all 3 counties to meet Phase II Permit- $30 k minimum (WQTC lead) - LID workshops in each county possibly using Bay Friendly -Green Gardener workshops (in Spanish) 7) KRCB Watershed Videos- $12k- NBWA, $24k -SCWA

Watershed Council BAIRWMP Update April 27, 2011 Watershed Council BAIRWMP Update April 27, 2011 Prop 84 Planning Grant Proposal IRWMP Implementation Grant Proposal Prop 1-E- Stormwater Management Next Plan Update schedule Prop 84 –Future-Round 2- Sub-regional process

BAIRWMP Plan Proposal Grant request-$842,556 Grant request-$842,556 MMWD is applicant MMWD is applicant Match- $569,761 ( ~ 40 %) Match- $569,761 ( ~ 40 %) Cash- $210,494 Cash- $210,494 In kind- $359,267 In kind- $359,267 Includes- SVCSD -Groundwater plan Includes- SVCSD -Groundwater plan “Salt and Nutrient Management Planning” $205k request & 50% match ( 25 % cash, 25% in kind) Approval Letter from DWR- April 12, 2011 Approval Letter from DWR- April 12, 2011

Implementation Proposal Bay Area Submittal- January 7, 2011 Total request- $30,093,592 Announcements on awards in Mid-May 2011

Proposals as of 1/3/2011 Regional Recycling Grant request Regional Recycling Grant request ($9.813 m) Regional (Drought Relief &) Water Conservation Regional (Drought Relief &) Water Conservation ($ m) Regional Green Infrastructure Capacity Building Regional Green Infrastructure Capacity Building ($4.565 m) Bay Area Wetland Ecosystem Restoration Program Bay Area Wetland Ecosystem Restoration Program ($ m) Integrated Water Quality Improvement, Flood Management and Ecosystem Restoration in Bay Area Disadvantaged Communities ( $2.1 m) Integrated Water Quality Improvement, Flood Management and Ecosystem Restoration in Bay Area Disadvantaged Communities ( $2.1 m) Total-~ 29.2 m

1-E-Stormwater Flood Management (SWFM) grants Projects Projects -Manage stormwater runoff to reduce flooding and are ready, or nearly ready, to proceed to implementation - Consistent with applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board Basin Plans, not be part of the State Plan of Flood Control and -Yield multiple benefits which may include groundwater recharge, water quality improvements, ecosystem restoration benefits, and reduction of instream erosion and sedimentation. -In IRWM Plan $ 212 m statewide competition $ 212 m statewide competition 50% match, Max $ 30 m Applications due-5:00 p.m. April 15, Applications due-5:00 p.m. April 15, 2011.

14 new projects added to BAIRWMP as of March 28, new projects added to BAIRWMP as of March 28, Lower Redwood Creek Restoration- Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy 139 Lower Redwood Creek Restoration- Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy 140 Lake Dalwigk Habitat Enhancement Project Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Control District 140 Lake Dalwigk Habitat Enhancement Project Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Control District 141 Bayfront Regional Flood Protection System-Improvements and 5th Avenue Pump Station Renovation Project-City of Redwood City 141 Bayfront Regional Flood Protection System-Improvements and 5th Avenue Pump Station Renovation Project-City of Redwood City 142 San Francisquito Creek Flood Protection and Ecosystem Restoration Capital Improvement Project, East Bayshore Road to San Francisco Bay-San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority 142 San Francisquito Creek Flood Protection and Ecosystem Restoration Capital Improvement Project, East Bayshore Road to San Francisco Bay-San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority 143 Cesar Chavez Street Flood and Stormwater Management Sewer Improvement Project 143 Cesar Chavez Street Flood and Stormwater Management Sewer Improvement Project -San Francisco Public Utilities Commission 144 Sunnydale Flood and Stormwater Management Sewer Improvement Project 144 Sunnydale Flood and Stormwater Management Sewer Improvement Project -San Francisco Public Utilities Commission 145 Phoenix Lake IRWM Retrofit Marin County Flood Control and Water 145 Phoenix Lake IRWM Retrofit Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Flood Zone 9 (FZ9) Conservation District, Flood Zone 9 (FZ9)

146 Quartermaster Reach Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy 146 Quartermaster Reach Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy 147 Multi ‐ Benefit Flood and Runoff Management for 147 Multi ‐ Benefit Flood and Runoff Management for Sonoma Valley- City of Sonoma, Sonoma County Water Agency 148 Stivers Lagoon Marsh Complex Restoration -Alameda Flood Control and Water Conservation District 148 Stivers Lagoon Marsh Complex Restoration -Alameda Flood Control and Water Conservation District 149 Sabercat Historical Park Master Plan1 City of Fremont 149 Sabercat Historical Park Master Plan1 City of Fremont 150 Grimmer Greenbelt Gateway (Line G Channel Enhancement) 150 Grimmer Greenbelt Gateway (Line G Channel Enhancement) Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District 151 Arroyo de la Laguna, Verona Phase I2 Urban Creeks Council, Zone 7 Agency 151 Arroyo de la Laguna, Verona Phase I2 Urban Creeks Council, Zone 7 Agency 152 Improving Quantitative Precipitation Information for the San Francisco Bay Region3-City and County of San Francisco, Dept of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering 152 Improving Quantitative Precipitation Information for the San Francisco Bay Region3-City and County of San Francisco, Dept of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering

Projects submitted to DWR 41 Projects statewide for - $265 million Bay Area- ~ $73 million requested 1)City of Redwood City- Bayfront Regional Flood Protection System Improvements and 5th Avenue Pump Station Renovation Project $8,000,000 2)Marin County FC&WCD Phoenix Lake Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Retrofit $7,661,000 3)San Francisco Public Utilities Commission-San Francisco Stormwater & Flood Management Priority Projects $ 24,147,000 4) San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority-San Francisquito Creek Flood Protection and Ecosystem Restoration Capital Improvement Project, East Bayshore Road to San Francisco Bay ‐ Phase 1 $8,000,000 Improvement Project, East Bayshore Road to San Francisco Bay ‐ Phase 1 $8,000,000 5) Santa Clara Valley Water District -Lower Silver Creek, Reaches 4 ‐ 6, and Lake Cunningham Flood Protection Project $ 25,000,000 $ 25,000,000

Plan Update Schedule Planning Grant award letter –April 12, 2011 Planning Grant award letter –April 12, 2011-$842,556 Grant award- Grant award- ?? June 15, 2011 ?? June 15, 2011 Grant period is 2 years- June 15, 2013 Grant period is 2 years- June 15, 2013



5.INTEGRATION OR SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES 5.INTEGRATION OR SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES SCWA- Salt and Nutrient Management Plan SCWA- Salt and Nutrient Management Plan For Sonoma Valley Groundwater Subbasin and documentation of the processes in preparing salt/nutrient management plans, which can be used by other Bay Area agencies. For Sonoma Valley Groundwater Subbasin and documentation of the processes in preparing salt/nutrient management plans, which can be used by other Bay Area agencies. $205 k from grant – 50% match $205 k from grant – 50% match Sub tasks include: stakeholder involvement; groundwater monitoring plan; potential source identification; assess assimilative capacity; Identify recycled water and stormwater recharge goals and objectives; Perform Anti-Degradation Analysis; and Identify implementation measures. Schedule- ~ June Nov. 2012

6.PROJECT REVIEW PROCESS 6.PROJECT REVIEW PROCESS Identifies sub regions Identifies sub regions Subtasks : Subtasks : Document process for submitting a project for inclusion in the IRWM Plan; Document process for submitting a project for inclusion in the IRWM Plan; Develop and implement review process for projects considered for inclusion into the IRWM Plan; Develop and implement review process for projects considered for inclusion into the IRWM Plan; Support sub-regional project review process Support sub-regional project review process Add new regional projects into the Plan Add new regional projects into the Plan Add new sub-regional projects into the Plan Add new sub-regional projects into the Plan Update prioritization of implementation projects Update prioritization of implementation projects Develop and implement procedure for communicating the list of selected projects Develop and implement procedure for communicating the list of selected projects Schedule- ~ Sep June 2012 Schedule- ~ Sep June 2012

14.STAKEHOLDER INVOLVEMENT 14.STAKEHOLDER INVOLVEMENT Some subtasks: Conduct regular sub-region meetings Conduct regular sub-region meetings Form LID Leadership Group to develop green infrastructure strategies for implementation Form LID Leadership Group to develop green infrastructure strategies for implementation Increase Outreach to Disadvantaged Communities (DACs) Increase Outreach to Disadvantaged Communities (DACs)

16.CLIMATE CHANGE 16.CLIMATE CHANGEComponents Assess Vulnerabilities/Describe Impacts Assess Vulnerabilities/Describe Impacts Evaluate Adaptation Strategies Evaluate Adaptation Strategies Refers to-North Bay Climate Adaptation Initiative Climate Change Mitigation/GHG Reduction Climate Change Mitigation/GHG Reduction

17.PREPARATION OF UPDATED PLAN 17.PREPARATION OF UPDATED PLANSchedule Draft plan available in early 2013 Draft plan available in early 2013

Task 6. Sub-regional Approach and Local Project Selection Process. The goal is to develop the most competitive set of projects that is consistent with the IRWM Plan, and will create an incentive for more integrated projects at the sub-regional level.. The goal is to develop the most competitive set of projects that is consistent with the IRWM Plan, and will create an incentive for more integrated projects at the sub-regional level. The sub-regions were first configured using DWR’s detailed analysis units (essentially watersheds). The final sub-region boundaries are coterminous with watershed boundaries with one exception – Alameda Creek. In this case, the County boundary was used between Alameda and Santa Clara. The CC will strive to assure that the Alameda watershed projects will be addressed holistically. The four sub-regions are as follows: The sub-regions were first configured using DWR’s detailed analysis units (essentially watersheds). The final sub-region boundaries are coterminous with watershed boundaries with one exception – Alameda Creek. In this case, the County boundary was used between Alameda and Santa Clara. The CC will strive to assure that the Alameda watershed projects will be addressed holistically. The four sub-regions are as follows: North Bay – Marin, Napa, Solano and Sonoma counties North Bay – Marin, Napa, Solano and Sonoma counties East Bay – Alameda and Contra Costa counties East Bay – Alameda and Contra Costa counties South Bay – Santa Clara county South Bay – Santa Clara county West Bay – San Francisco and San Mateo counties West Bay – San Francisco and San Mateo counties

North Bay Process (2009) Lead for Sub- region- NBWA Lead for Sub- region- NBWA NBWA Watershed Council will advise NBWA Watershed Council will advise Propose 3 steps Propose 3 steps 1) Meeting of all counties to review Guidance 1) Meeting of all counties to review Guidance 2) Integrated County meetings to include all stakeholders 2) Integrated County meetings to include all stakeholders 3) All counties in one meeting to review input 3) All counties in one meeting to review input

County Leads * Liz Lewis, Marin County(Chris Choo) *Rick Thomasser, Napa County *Dave Okita, Solano County Water Agency (Chris Lee) * Brad Sherwood, Sonoma County Water Agency

Round 2-Prop 84 Sub-Regional Process Sub-Regional Process ???? DWR could announce this year ???? DWR could announce this year