IGS-SENSE Building with Nature experiences in the context of EU Bird and Habitat Directives Vera Vikolainen IGS-SENSE Conference 20 October 2011 University of Twente
IGS-SENSE /10/ Overview EU Bird and Habitat Directives Building with Nature Research question Data and methods Results Conclusion
IGS-SENSE /10/ Bird and Habitat directives Special Protection Areas (SPA): EU Bird Directive (1979) Special Areas of Conservation (SAC): EU Habitat Directive (1992) Natura 2000 biodiversity network of the EU Assessment art. 6 Habitat Directive: Any plan or project in or near Natura 2000 site –Significant effects check, appropriate assessment –Alternatives, overriding public interest, compensation Delays & cancellations (harbour developments, recreation, etc.)
IGS-SENSE /10/ Building with Nature New approach to project design and development in coast, river and delta areas Waterman (2008, 2010), EcoShape (2010), PIANC (2011), European Commission (2011) Building with Nature definition: –Integration of project objectives and nature development goals –Use of nature dynamics to achieve project objectives –Realization of the area’s ecological potential viz. existing situation Building with Nature: improve project implementation within the existing framework of Bird and Habitat Directives
IGS-SENSE /10/ Research question Is there a connection between –the application of Building with Nature approach and –the outcome of assessment under art. 6 Habitat directive? 2 sub-questions: –To what extent do current practices in the field comply with the definition of Building with Nature? –What is the outcome of Habitat assessment in the current project design practices?
IGS-SENSE /10/ Data and methods A total of 12 descriptive case studies (projects) Flood defense, port development, fairway deepening Sampled based on the following criteria: –Projects include dredging works –Projects take place in a Natura 2000 area subject to assessment under art. 6 Habitat directive Literature, interviews, project documents Random sampling Between 2008 and 2010
IGS-SENSE /10/ Data and methods Relationship (if any) between 2 variables: –Compliance with Building with Nature definition Building with Nature somewhat Building with Nature not Building with Nature –Outcome of assessment under art. 6 Habitat Directive success delayed/cancelled in court
IGS-SENSE /10/ Results Compliance with BWN definition Outcome art. 6 Habitat directive assessment Connection? Art. 6 BwN ? 3 cases 1 case 3 cases
IGS-SENSE /10/ Conclusion It is plausible that, –the application of Building with Nature design principles contributes to –a positive outcome of assessment under art. 6 Habitat directive Further research will look at several cases in more detail
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