By Nathan Hull and Karl Stout
The loss of diversity among and within plant and animal species in an environment Ecological cycle: Nitrogen cycle
Introduction of new and exotic species People don’t change the way of living due to helping out with naturally occurring process More land free for humans Genetic Diversity
There will always be a replacement for the animal diversity that is lost.
Traditional cultures of people will not change for a while Different cultures cause the loss of biodiversity. (fishing, hunting, etc.)
More human societies because more cities can be built More jobs leading to a better economy
How same species become different and evolve through genes If biodiversity loss happens, then eventually the species will evolve and have a new biodiversity
Greatly effects economy Puts species at risk of extinction
Ex. The coral reef provides food, jobs, recreation, and other income sources for more than 500 million people worldwide. Due to biodiversity loss, 70% of coral reefs are threatened or destroyed Over-depletion of fish stocks caused by agricultural chemicals to water has risen the likelihood of a severe $10-$50 billion impact on businesses
Of world’s 5,490 mammals, 78 are extinct, 188 are critically endangered, 540 are endangered, and 492 are vulnerable
As of right now, there is no one solid solution for biodiversity. Proposed ideas are, holding conventions to help educate people on the risks of biodiversity loss and get contributors for the fight against biodiversity loss.
Hens, Luc, and Emmanuel Boons. "Causes of Biodiversity Loss." N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov Maclaurin, James. What is Biodiversity? Chicago: Chicago Press, Print. Khosla, Ashok. "Why is biodiversity in crisis?" IUCN. N.p., 14 Oct Web. 18 Nov Watts, Jonathan. "Biodiversity loss seen as greater financial risk than terrorism, says UN." The Guardian [Nagoya] 27 Oct. 2010: n. pag. Web. 19 Nov Czech, Brian. "Will the Proposed Solutions Achieve Sustainable Scale?." N.p., 21 July Web. 19 Nov