Offshore Wind Energy Deployment in the European Union Concerted Action for Offshore Wind Energy Deployment (COD) Environmental Issues Ruud de Bruijne (SenterNovem) Elke Bruns (TU-Berlin) Working Group meeting Wind & Nature Conservation Brussels, 17 January 2006
COD 2 Results: All relevant studies in database (286) Impacts lower than postulated Siting most important for mitigation and social acceptance (Single case results only – generalisation limited) Future: Cumulative effects area for investigation Planning tools cumulative & trans national level (e.g. SEA) Environmental impact COD
3 Benthos Increase of biomass & biodiversity Fish Positive effects. Negative impacts negligible Marine mammals No effects on habitats Birds Avoid wind farm area. No significant strikes seen Environmental impact COD
4 Database: contents COD database 284 entries number/ distribution of entries dependent on research activities Denmark, the United Kingdom and Germany provide highest numbers of publications Country Data records BE (Belgium)9 D (Germany)56 DK (Denmark)119 IRL (Ireland)5 NL (Netherlands)19 PL (Poland)1 SE (Sweden)6 UK (United Kingdom)69 ∑284 COD
5 Environmental planning and assessment pilot offshore projects on different sites necessary to gain more experience on factual effects continued adjustment of assessment procedures, tools and standards in view accumulative or transboundary effects in view of high background stress level COD
6 Components of the marine ecosystem (potential receptors) birds (sea birds, resting birds, migrating birds) marine mammals fish benthos soil/seabed hydrology visual landscape men Observations: the list widely represents a similar interpretation of national EIA-regulations harmonisation of investigation methods desirable different levels of investigation needs COD
7 Potential effects barrier and scaring effects collision risks (birds / bats) noise disturbing effects electromagnetic fields (cables) introduction of artificial / hard substrates sedimentation / turbidity changes in hydrography visual intrusion, ship collision Observations: listed scope of potential effects is generally approved more knowlegde about effects on the factual level was made available results from Danish monitoring and effect studies most helpful But: few effects are quantifiable COD
8 Main potential impacts (e.g.) loss of habitats due to disturbance effects / avoidance physical damage due to noise (ramming) Results from effect/monitoring studies: no direct impacts (physical damage) stated avoidance of habitats was not observed Recommendation: accumulation of effects and impacts on population stability (e.g. by noise, disturbance) has to be monitored Impacts on marine mammals COD
9 Main potential impacts (e.g.): loss of habitats due to disturbance bird collision Observations: higher collision risks for migrating birds avoidance of wind farm areas is also observed habituation / avoidance behaviour is species-specific differentiation between migrating birds and seabirds/resting birds needed collision rates: no reliable numbers Recommendations: high priority: monitoring of wind farm related accumulative effects monitoring of collision risks (quantifying methods) development of models to support predictions of habitat loss and change Impacts on birds COD
10 Main potential impacts: habitat loss due to foundation / scour protection change of species composition due to artificial substrate Observations: increase of biomass and increase of biodiversity possible exclusion of fisheries in wind farm areas lead to positive effects Recommendations: monitoring of accumulative effects adjustment of evaluation standards (depending on local protection aims) Impacts on benthos COD
Main potential impacts: disturbance effects during construction phase turbidity electromagnetism (follow-up effect) Observations: consideration of isolated effects on fish stocks is difficult improvement of nutrients (biomass) due to artificial reef-effect wind farm areas may serve as refuge for fish (exclusion of fishery) Recommendations: not available Impacts on fish COD
Up to now: single case results only – generalisation is limited! effects on project level seem less invasive than expected, accumulative impacts on the background of a high stress level are dominant ! avoidance strategies on superior level (SEA, spatial planning) are required proper site selection seems most important for mitigation and social acceptance pilot wind farms accompanied by a compulsory monitoring scheme Conclusions COD But: