Offshore Wind Energy Deployment in the European Union Concerted Action for Offshore Wind Energy Deployment (COD) Environmental Issues Ruud de Bruijne (SenterNovem)


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Presentation transcript:

Offshore Wind Energy Deployment in the European Union Concerted Action for Offshore Wind Energy Deployment (COD) Environmental Issues Ruud de Bruijne (SenterNovem) Elke Bruns (TU-Berlin) Working Group meeting Wind & Nature Conservation Brussels, 17 January 2006

COD 2 Results: All relevant studies in database (286) Impacts lower than postulated Siting most important for mitigation and social acceptance (Single case results only – generalisation limited) Future: Cumulative effects area for investigation Planning tools cumulative & trans national level (e.g. SEA) Environmental impact COD

3 Benthos Increase of biomass & biodiversity Fish Positive effects. Negative impacts negligible Marine mammals No effects on habitats Birds Avoid wind farm area. No significant strikes seen Environmental impact COD

4 Database: contents COD database   284 entries number/ distribution of entries dependent on research activities Denmark, the United Kingdom and Germany provide highest numbers of publications Country Data records BE (Belgium)9 D (Germany)56 DK (Denmark)119 IRL (Ireland)5 NL (Netherlands)19 PL (Poland)1 SE (Sweden)6 UK (United Kingdom)69 ∑284 COD

5 Environmental planning and assessment  pilot offshore projects on different sites necessary to gain more experience on factual effects  continued adjustment of assessment procedures, tools and standards  in view accumulative or transboundary effects  in view of high background stress level COD

6 Components of the marine ecosystem (potential receptors) birds (sea birds, resting birds, migrating birds) marine mammals fish benthos soil/seabed hydrology visual landscape men Observations:  the list widely represents a similar interpretation of national EIA-regulations  harmonisation of investigation methods desirable  different levels of investigation needs COD

7 Potential effects barrier and scaring effects collision risks (birds / bats) noise disturbing effects electromagnetic fields (cables) introduction of artificial / hard substrates sedimentation / turbidity changes in hydrography visual intrusion, ship collision Observations:  listed scope of potential effects is generally approved  more knowlegde about effects on the factual level was made available  results from Danish monitoring and effect studies most helpful But:  few effects are quantifiable COD

8 Main potential impacts (e.g.) loss of habitats due to disturbance effects / avoidance physical damage due to noise (ramming) Results from effect/monitoring studies: no direct impacts (physical damage) stated avoidance of habitats was not observed Recommendation:  accumulation of effects and impacts on population stability (e.g. by noise, disturbance) has to be monitored Impacts on marine mammals COD

9 Main potential impacts (e.g.): loss of habitats due to disturbance bird collision Observations: higher collision risks for migrating birds avoidance of wind farm areas is also observed habituation / avoidance behaviour is species-specific differentiation between migrating birds and seabirds/resting birds needed collision rates: no reliable numbers Recommendations:  high priority: monitoring of wind farm related accumulative effects  monitoring of collision risks (quantifying methods)  development of models to support predictions of habitat loss and change Impacts on birds COD

10 Main potential impacts: habitat loss due to foundation / scour protection change of species composition due to artificial substrate Observations: increase of biomass and increase of biodiversity possible exclusion of fisheries in wind farm areas lead to positive effects Recommendations:  monitoring of accumulative effects  adjustment of evaluation standards (depending on local protection aims) Impacts on benthos COD

Main potential impacts: disturbance effects during construction phase turbidity electromagnetism (follow-up effect) Observations: consideration of isolated effects on fish stocks is difficult improvement of nutrients (biomass) due to artificial reef-effect wind farm areas may serve as refuge for fish (exclusion of fishery) Recommendations:  not available Impacts on fish COD

Up to now: single case results only – generalisation is limited! effects on project level seem less invasive than expected, accumulative impacts on the background of a high stress level are dominant ! avoidance strategies on superior level (SEA, spatial planning) are required proper site selection seems most important for mitigation and social acceptance pilot wind farms accompanied by a compulsory monitoring scheme Conclusions COD But: